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   Proposed FFMP Implementation Programme

   It is evident that effective adoption and implementation of the Framework Fisheries Management Plan (FFMP) will require a variety of follow-on or accompanying measures in the form of technical assistance and capacity-building activities for the Lake Tanganyika States. The proposed FFMP Implementation Programme, now in preliminary draft form (LTR Technical Document 100), is intended to deliver these measures in an integrated and timely fashion.

    Implementation measures have been structured in the draft programme as a set of component projects, or sub-programmes. Though prepared as stand-alone projects, the components are designed to be complementary, so that the best overall effect is achieved through their combination. Such an approach is in general accordance with that of the FAO Interregional Programme of Assistance to Developing Countries for the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and its series of Sub-programmes.

    The five components of the draft Lake Tanganyika FFMP Implementation Programme include:

  1. Fisheries Policy, Planning, and Management ('FFMP/FishPlan')
  2. Fisheries Statistics and Information Systems ('FFMP/FishStat')
  3. Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance ('FFMP/FishMCS')
  4. Promotion of Responsible Fishing Operations and Fishing Fleet
    Restructuring ('FFMP/FishFleetOps')
  5. Post Harvest Practices and Trade ('FFMP/FishTrade')

    As with the Interregional Programme, funding of FFMP project components could be achieved through:

  • contributions to a common fund to finance sub-programme activities;
  • cost-sharing by donors to meet one or more of the sub-programme objectives;
  • single donor support to meet one or more of the objectives of sub-programmes; or
  • direct financing and execution by one or more donors to meet one or more of the objectives of the sub-programmes.

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