Lake Tanganyika Research : Inputs
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Infrastructure. Three main research stations were either constructed (in Bujumbura) and/or extensively rehabilitated (in Kigoma and in Mpulungu). Five other research sub-stations were established as follows: Karonda (Burundi), Moba, Kalemie and Uvira (all in DRC), Kipili (URT), and Nsumbu (Zambia). In addition, a large amount of general, office and scientific equipment and material was ordered, tested, and subsequently distributed to each LTR station. The three main research stations are still fully operational and equipped to carry out a complex scientific programme.

Personnel. A total of 124 national scientists and technicians from all four lacustrine States have taken part in the execution of the SSP and a wide range of other activities.

Research vessels. LTR operated the main research vessel R/V Tanganyika Explorer during a 3 year long charter period. In addition, three auxiliary vessels were rehabilitated and operated as follows: R/V Sangala in Burundi, R/V Echo in Kigoma and R/V Silver Shoal in Mpulungu.

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