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  FAO/African Development Bank FFMP Feasibility Study

    It is expected that the draft FFMP Implementation Programme will be modified as appropriate once the findings of the upcoming feasibility study become available. The study is due to be mounted by an international, multi-disciplinary mission fielded jointly by FAO and the African Development Bank in early 2000. As presently organised, the team will be comprised of the following members:

  • LTR Coordinator/Fisheries Generalist
  • Fisheries Development Planner/Socio-economist
  • Economist/Feasibility Studies Specialist
  • Specialist in Fisheries Development and Infrastructure
  • LTR Scientific Coordinator (to elaborate the environmental impact assessment report)

   Although each team member will be responsible for particular aspects of the feasibility study, the mission as a whole will work under the general supervision of the Director of the Investment Centre Division (TCI) and the Chief of the Development Planning Service (FIPP), FAO Headquarters, Rome and in close cooperation with the African Development Bank and the other mission members. Terms of Reference also call for all mission team members to:

  1. Take part in a reconnaissance mission throughout the region, in order to establish the feasibility of and accordingly develop a framework for a Lake Tanganyika FFMP Implementation Programme.
  2. In the context of the above, evaluate LTR/FISHCODE proposals in situ and assist in the finalisation of the mission's Implementation Programme framework. This will include:
    1. one national project for each participating lacustrine State, noting:
      1. the critical needs that have been identified for viable alternative artisanal fishing technology and processing/marketing modalities in order to ameliorate effects of localised over-fishing and the use of destructive fishing techniques, and post-harvest losses associated with poor infrastructure and lack of marketing opportunities;
      2. the importance of adhering to the participatory management approach and other principles of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, and the need for complementary environmental education and community outreach activities;
      3. the particular circumstances, problems, and prospects that exist within each of the national fisheries.
    2. one overall project that will handle management and co-ordination of all FFMP Implementation Programme activities on a regional level.
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