Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Call for submissions

How can FAO better support countries in addressing governance of agrifood systems transformation to make them more sustainable, inclusive and resilient?

For some years now, there has been a growing recognition of the urgent need to transform agrifood systems to make them more sustainable, resilient, inclusive, and equitable. 

What do we understand by agrifood systems and a systems approach?

The agri-food system covers the journey of food (for example, cereals, vegetables, fish, fruits and livestock) from farm to table – including when it is grown, harvested, processed, packaged, transported, distributed, traded, bought, prepared, eaten and disposed of. It also encompasses non-food products (for example forestry, animal rearing, use of feedstock, biomass to produce biofuels, and fibres) that also constitute livelihoods and all of the people as well as the activities, investments and choices that play a part in getting us these food and agricultural products.” (nf243en.pdf ( 42nd session of the FAO conference):

Recognizing that systems are made up of a complex set of interrelated components that produce multiple goals, a systems approach helps a diverse set of actors to understand how systems are structured and how they operate. By collectively mapping out its different components, identifying drivers and the connections between them, and setting out possible courses of action, it can help to clarify what are the issues at stake and where decisions need to be taken.

Agrifood systems can play an important role in rescuing and accelerating progress towards the SDGs; sustainable and resilient agrifood systems have enormous potential to positively influence the social, economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. The endorsement by the CFS of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSN)[1] in 2021 was followed by the convening of the UN Food Systems Summit in September 2021, and more recently, the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment in July 2023. While there seems to be general agreement and consensus on the need to transform agrifood systems to make them more sustainable, resilient, inclusive, and equitable, the policy, legal and governance[2] requirements and implications for countries still need to be better articulated. Decades of development efforts around the world have shown that narrow approaches and technological quick fixes do not work, especially in the long term. Data, technology, and innovation can be a powerful engine to transform agrifood systems, but only when they are accompanied by the right enabling environment and governance system. As the UN Secretary General stated in his report[3], the path towards transformation requires “comprehensive planning, collaboration, and consideration of potential trade-offs, synergies, and international spillovers” and “countries will need to address the resistance and political backlash that may arise against change”. 

In efforts towards a transformation of agrifood systems, some of the main barriers to overcome include the lack of policy coherence and coordination, insufficient capabilities and engagement of key stakeholders, increasing gender inequalities and socio-economic disparities within and among countries and the asymmetry of power and economic interests that are at the core of the political economy and the control of the agrifood system. For example, measures that seek to protect biodiversity and mitigate climate change may affect the rights of those with the lowest incomes and those who depend on natural resources for their livelihoods; measures that seek to combat obesity through stricter regulation may affect the economic interests of private companies that sell ultra-processed products, and a progressive paradigm shift in agricultural production from an external input-dependent agriculture to a more sustainable, less chemical-dependent agriculture that prioritizes the production of more diverse foods for local consumption to meet both livelihood and community nutrition objectives- still seems to run counter to the dominant model. 

Furthermore, in many cases, policies and laws are not aligned with the transformative goals, and not adapted to existing, institutional arrangements, political structures, raising inequalities and capabilities. Yet, these strongly influence the chances for them to be implemented (or not) on the ground and generate desired outcomes.


Corinna Hawkes, Director, Agrifood Systems and Food Safety Division (ESF)

Donata Rugarabamu, Legal Counsel

Stefanos Fotiou, Director, Office of SDGs (OSG)



The above issues influence the FAO’s capacity to appropriately support country-members in the design and implementation of transformative paths towards sustainable agrifood systems. It is therefore key for the Organization to continue to reflect on what it means for it to approach food and agriculture relevant policies as a “system”, rather than as multiple actions towards a common goal.

It is against this background that this online call for submissions is being organized jointly by the Office of SDGs, the Agrifood Systems and Food Safety Division, the Governance and Policy Support Unit, and the Development Law Service, to engage various stakeholders and gather examples of governance-related measures and interventions with transformative impact for agrifood systems

We invite you to provide inputs related to the following kind of measures/interventions:

  • Institutional mechanisms/governance arrangements for systems-oriented ways of working;

  • Measures to align policies and laws with the transformative goals;

  • Budgeting and financing for cross-sectoral work in agrifood systems;

  • Measures to rebalance asymmetries in power and decision-making in the agrifood system, including through gender-responsive and gender-transformative approaches;

  • Measures to redress inequities and inequalities in the agrifood systems;

  • Concrete means and evidence of how the impact of these measures has been measured.

The submissions should look at transformative efforts in the above areas, from an economic, social and environmental perspective, and they should illustrate the way this transformative change[4] has been potentially documented and measured. 

The results emerging from your submissions will contribute to informing FAO’s work with governments and other stakeholders related to policy, law, and governance for more inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agrifood systems. 

Proceedings of the contributions received will be made publicly available on this consultation webpage. Feel free to consult the documentation and resources for more information about agrifood systems transformation in the references.   

The Call for Submissions is open until 1 April 2024.

How to take part in this Call for Submissions

To take part in this Call for submissions, please register to the FSN Forum, if you are not yet a member, or “sign in” to your account. Please download the submission template in any of six UN languages (English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese) and upload the completed form in the box “Post your contribution” on this webpage. Please keep the length of submissions limited to 2,000 words and feel also free to attach relevant supporting materialsFor any technical questions or assistance please contact [email protected].

We thank you in advance for your input and we look forward to learning from your experiences.


Dubravka Bojic, Programme Officer, Governance and Policy Unit (DDCG)

Jose Valls, Policy OfficerESF

Margret Vidar, Legal Officer, Development Law Service (LEGN)

Hajnalka Petrics, Programme Officer, OSG

Olena Ovchynnikova, Technical Officer, OSG

[1] The CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition (VGFSN) were endorsed by CFS session 47 held on 8-11 February 2021. CFS_VGs_Food_Systems_and_Nutrition_Strategy_EN.pdf (

[2] Governance relates to “formal and informal rules, organizations, and processes through which public and private actors articulate their interests and make and implement decisions” ( )

[3] Making food systems work for people and planet UN Food Systems Summit +2 Report of the Secretary-General. p.20. unfss2-secretary-general-report.pdf (

[4] Please note that “transformative change” refers to innovative, pro-active changes away from “business as usual” that merely addresses surface-level issues or symptoms. “Transformative change” results in change in underlying factors and drivers leading to problems addressed. 


  1. CFS, 2023. Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women’s and Girls Empowerment in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition
  2. CFS, 2021. CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition.
  3. FAO, 2018. Transforming Food and Agriculture to Achieve the SDGs. 20 interconnected actions to guide decision-makers.
  4. FAO, 2021. Transforming agri-food systems. Legislative interventions for improved nutrition and sustainability Preliminary version for public consultation.
  5. Bojić, D., Clark, M. and Urban, K. 2022. Focus on governance for more effective policy and technical support. Governance and policy support framework paper. Rome, FAO
  6. Gobena, A. and Vidar, M. 2023. Agriculture and natural resources governance – Legal tools for inclusive and sustainable transformation. Legal Brief, No. 12. Rome, FAO.
  7. FAO. 2023. FAO and the Sustainable Development Goals. Achieving the 2030 Agenda through empowerment of local communities. Rome. FAO. 
  8. UN. 2023. Global Sustainable Development Report 2023. Times of Crisis, Times of Change. Science for Accelerating Transformations to Sustainable Development. UNDESA.

Please read the article of FAO publications on this topic here.


This activity is now closed. Please contact [email protected] for any further information.

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Dear FAO Team,

Please find enclosed the National Secretariat for Food and Nutrition Security's contribution. Our National Secretariat is part of the structure of Brazilian Ministry for Social Development and Assistance, Family and Fight Against Hunger.    

Warm Regards,

Sávio da Silva Costa


Ms. Asha Stindl

Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Dear all,

Please find hereby a contribution from the GIZ Global Programm "Food and Nutrition Security, Enhanced Resilience". We draw on our work and 10 years of experience on nutrition governance. Even though the framework we used was developed for nutrition governance, we feel that it can be very well applied to an agrifood systems approach, in that the four mechanisms can be transferred to agrifood systems governance. Specifically, the “multisectoral” aspects are very close to the “holistic” concept of agrifood systems. In the same way, many of the challenges (and strategies to face them) from our experience refer to health/nutrition outcomes but can equally be transferred to a holistic agrifood systems lens. 

More details on this are enclosed in our submitted template, while our 2020 Nutrition Governance Study can be found here: giz2021-en-nutrition-resilience-governance-study-synthesis-report.pdf

Asha Stindl & Maren Lieberum, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)

Dear FAO team,

Please find attached our contribution to the call for submission of the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition.

Our researcher team recently (15.03.2024) published a scientific paper in the Journal Sustainability Science on the very issue of the call for submissions (

After extensive discussions with members of the German Federal Parliament, who stated that the financial leeway for sustainability measures is limited, we developed a possible differentiated value added tax (VAT) adaptation, that would be beneficial ecologically, socially and economically and therefore could have great potential to be implemented.

Find submission from Co-operative Alliance of Kenya (CAK) meticulously providing its past activities and gaps that relates to this call. We have attached six documents related to CAK's work of which one is the filled template as requested and the rest are supporting documents. In addition, we have shared two links 1) a documentary on training activities and 2) Project irrigation facility.

AIRTEA Project Training Documentary:

AIRTEA Project Irrigation facility in one of the demo-sites: 

Dear FAO team;

We are sending you this contribution to the call for Submission of the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition from the Lebanese organization Arc-En-Ciel.

At Beit El Mouzereh, we advocate for sustainable farming methods that aim to reduce environmental harm. Through our training and mentoring programs, we empower more than 30 local farmers to embrace eco-friendly techniques like organic farming and permaculture. These approaches help conserve natural resources, minimize pollution, and protect biodiversity. 

Looking forward to collaborating with you on this call. 

Fundraising Office, Arc-En-Ciel Lebanon.

Dr. Blesilda Calub

University of the Philippines Los Banos, Agricultural Systems Institute

Dear Organizers,

Please find our contribution to the call for submission of the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition. 

Organic agriculture is one of the more sustainable farming systems that promote biodiverse ecological systems, soil health, fairness and social justice, care and precautionary use of synthetic inputs.  Organic agriculture also contributes to local food security and nutrition, especially in rural communities.

Transforming the implementation of the government's program on school gardens in tandem with school-based feeding and parents’ home gardens helped improve the nutritional status of undernourished school children and improved their academic performance. The engagement of parents in their children's nutrition and the support of local government units and other stakeholders by co-shared funds and enabling policies contributed to higher vegetable consumption among families that helped ensure local food security and nutrition.

School gardens are also excellent venues for teaching organic agriculture and related topics on sustainable and regenerative farming, agrobiodiversity conservation, soil nutrient management, proper biodegradable waste management through composting and climate resilience.

For more long-term sustainable food security and nutrition of future generations, it is important to invest in human resource capacity development at the elementary, secondary and tertiary levels for both students and teachers. It is also important to have continuing discussions and learning opportunities among the multi-sectoral stakeholders. 

In the transformation process, we need not overhaul the existing system. Instead, we built upon the strengths while identifying the gaps and cracks. For these, we started with doable and manageable interventions on the ground and with a foresight to scale up through collaboration, participatory development approaches and systems thinking.

Dear all, 

please find attached our contribution to this consultation on governance of agrifood systems transformation. The resource presents an analysis of a civil society multi stakeholder process in Uganda aiming at food system transformation. The notion of inclusion, sustainability and capacity to trigger change are discussed in that context.

Katherine Pittore and Pascal Debons

WCDI, Wageningen University and Research

Buenos dias
Envio a usted mis comentarios,ya que para  una experiencia y enviarlamisma debe havber acuerdoentre parte enlos territorios.
Enumero aquellas acciones que quizas pueda potenciar FAo en su accionar atendiendo a circuitoslocales,regionales einternacionales de produccion de alimentos.
1 - Enque nivelde gestion territorialsepuedenpotenciar experiencias entre isntituciones y niveles de gobernanzacon proyecciones de sostenimiento.Este enmi experiencia es un tema fragilenlos paises para trzar horizantes cunado afrontan diferentescrisis.
2 - El terriorio es el entramado de relaciones sociales y por ende de instituciones, como organizar matrices que contemplen diferentes valoraciones de las dimensiones en inclusion y que no se sobre dimensione en las practicas aquellas que son de interes de un grupo en cuestion.
3 - La integracionde institucione sy niveles de gobernanza nose realiza por decreto requiere construcciones sociales sostenibles yen este sentido FAO tiene experiencias, ya sea en comunidadesandianas como por ejmplo en losp oryectos de algodon entre diferenes paises.
4 - Mencione justamente los ejemplos de comunidades andinas porque las concepciones internaclizadas de comunidad son muy diferentes entre regiones, peroes  una nocion a trabajar  para lo comun y esa nocion de comunidad,de colectivos socialse encuentra fragmentado y a veces se agudizan esas fragmentaciones cuando se tratan de imponer  unas formas de trabajo encima deotras o quedan trucos proyectos que a comunidad realiza como los diagnosticos participativos.
5 - Cual es la relacion entre gonernzna-participacion-.produccion de alimentos, una triada compleja que se evidencia en la posicion de los actores sociales.
Estos son comentarios muy breves y acotados que quizas, puedan contribuir a la reflexion del tema.
Saludo a usted
Marisa Gonnella