Foro Global sobre Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (Foro FSN)


Informes y resúmenes

A stakeholder map for nutrition policy and programming in northern Nigeria

This Operational Research and Impact Evaluation (ORIE) Research Summary highlights key findings from a stakeholder mapping carried out to increase understanding of nutrition context, policy and programming in northern Nigeria; map organisations, systems and practices for nutrition knowledge sharing...

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Informes y resúmenes

Action on under-nutrition in Pakistan: opportunities and barriers

This Maximising the Quality of Scaling Up Nutrition Programme (MQSUN) Briefing is based on the study The Political Economy of Under-Nutrition in Pakistan. It highlights challenges faced for mainstreaming nutrition as an inter-sectoral development priority and provides strategic recommendations using...

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La contribución del sector privado y la sociedad civil para mejorar la nutrición

Como parte de los preparativos previos a la Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición (CIN2), esta discusión en línea le invita a compartir pruebas e intercambiar opiniones sobre cómo el sector privado y la sociedad civil pueden contribuir a mejorar la dieta y aumentar los niveles de nutrición, especialmente de los más pobres y vulnerables a nivel nutricional.


Sistemas agrícolas y alimentarios que mejoran la nutrición

“Mejorar la nutrición” son enfoques que abordan los determinantes subyacentes o las causas básicas de la malnutrición. Este discusión en línea es parte de los preparativos previos a la Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición (CIN2). Se buscarán opciones de políticas y programas, así como acuerdos institucionales para aumentar los niveles de nutrición con la agricultura.

The State of Food and Agriculture 2013

Food systems for better nutrition

Malnutrition in all its forms – undernutrition, micronutrient deficiencies, and overweight and obesity – imposes unacceptably high economic and social costs on countries at all income levels. Improving nutrition and reducing these costs requires a multisectoral approach that begins with food and agriculture and includes complementary interventions in public health and education. The traditional role of agriculture in producing food and generating income is fundamental, but the entire food system – from inputs and production, through processing, storage, transport and retailing, to consumption – can contribute much more to the eradication of malnutrition.

Agricultural policies and research must continue to support productivity growth for staple foods while paying greater attention to nutrient-dense foods and more sustainable production systems. Traditional and modern supply chains can enhance the availability of a variety of nutritious foods and reduce nutrient waste and losses. Governments, international organizations, the private sector and civil society can help consumers choose healthier diets, reduce waste and contribute to more sustainable use of resources by providing clear, accurate information and ensuring access to diverse and nutritious foods.


Protección social para proteger y promover la nutrición

Para preparar y tener información para la Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre Nutrición (CIN2), una serie de debates en línea en áreas temáticas seleccionadas. Esta discusión en línea "La protección social para proteger y promover la nutrición", tiene como objetivo explorar cómo los grupos sociales más desfavorecidos y vulnerables a nivel nutricional pueden estar protegidos por un proceso de desarrollo inclusivo a través del diseño e implementación de políticas sociales que mejoren la nutrición e intervenciones de protección social.

Call for Articles on "Nutrition"

GFAR is seeking many new ways to spread the value of agricultural research and innovation of all kinds and how they are helping to address development challenges. GFAR has established a collaboration with New Agriculturist a widely read and well recognized online journal, to help share your stories about how agricultural knowledge and innovation are helping to address major development challenges and make a real difference in the lives of the poor.
Through publication in New Agriculturist we can help you to raise wider awareness of your work and share your knowledge with thousands of readers.  We are particularly interested in stories that show how you are delivering against processes transforming and strengthening agricultural research for development systems as highlighted in the GCARD Roadmap and how your work is helping achieve developmental change in increasing environmental resilience, in benefiting people’s lives and livelihoods or enhancing food and nutrition security, whether by improving foresight and prioritization, improving partnership, enhancing capacities, increasing investments, or by better linking research and innovation into development processes.
GFAR is contributing 3 articles in each edition. These articles will be displayed on the front page of New Agriculturist. Have a look at the previous editions already online here.
The topic for the next edition is "Nutrition" and GFAR is seeking stories and projects from around the world on the theme, whether at local, national, regional or international scale.
We welcome your contributed articles, which must be received by the 15th April 2013. The guidelines for writing up the articles in terms of content are:
Show how people put the GCARD RoadMap principles into practice:
  1. Background – what was the drive behind the new development
  2. Description of how the new development works and how it is changing real lives
  3. Hurdles and challenges that were overcome
  4. Comments and experiences of ‘developers’ and users
  5. Limitations/constraints/future challenges
  6. Responses from relevant/significant bodies (e.g. partner organizations)
  7. What next in terms of development? What lessons have been learnt/can be transferred elsewhere?
Article length is 750- 850 words. Please note, longer article will not be considered.
Please send us articles rather than research type papers as the former are more likely to be selected. To get more idea of the style expected please visit the previous editions.
All articles received will be submitted to New Agriculturist for their consideration and selection.
We invite you to identify and share stories on the topic and help us reach beyond GFAR`s community.
Please send the articles to the following E-mail address: [email protected]