The future of food security and climate change in Zambia
Go here to take part in the discussion on the scenarios for Zambia.
The future of food security and climate change in Viet Nam
Go here to take part in the discussion on scenarios for Viet Nam (cũng có bằng tiếng Việt).
The future of food security and climate change in Malawi
Go here to take part in the discussion on the scenarios for Malawi.
Questionnaire on the Proposed FAO Food Security Commitment and Capacity Profile
FAO is working on a Food Security Commitment and Capacity Profile to provide a quick but comprehensive view of the level of commitment and capacity of national authorities towards food and nutrition security. To gather feedback from practitioners on this new suggested approach, we would like to invite you to a short questionnaire.
Questionnaire on the Proposed FAO Suite of Indicators for Global Monitoring of Food Security and Nutrition
The FAO Statistics Division has recently developed a new suite of indicators for monitoring Food Security and Nutrition at the global level. The suite was presented in the State of Food Insecurity in the World 2013. Work is underway to try and summarize these indicators in an aggregated index.
Resilience Measurement Principles – Toward an Agenda for Measurement Design
FSIN Technical Series No.1 The Food Security Information Network (FSIN)* supports the development and harmonization of methods and tools for food and nutrition security analysis. A technical working group composed of renowned experts was constituted to lead the development of a common analytical...
Invitation to an open discussion on the political outcome document of the ICN2
As part of the preparations leading up to the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), you are invited to make comments on the zero draft of the political outcome document that is to be developed through a process driven by FAO’s and WHO’s Membership.
Monitoring and analysing food and agricultural policies in Africa Synthesis report 2013
MAFAP’s Synthesis Report presents key findings from an unprecedented effort to systematically monitor and analyse the effects of food and agricultural policies in ten developing countries across Africa: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, United Republic of...
Focusing on Rural Women in a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Framework
Rural women everywhere play a key role in supporting their households and communities in achieving food and nutrition security, generating income, and improving rural livelihoods and overall well-being. It's up to all of us to make sure that their role is well represented in the Post 2015 development agenda. How would you contribute?
Strategy and work plan for the FSN Forum in West Africa now available
This strategy and work plan is based on the outcomes of the workshop held in November 2013 with the participation of FSN Forum members and representatives of organisations working on food security and nutrition in the region.
The document includes background on the FSN Forum in West Africa, the vision and strategic objectives and the areas of work identified for 2014.
To know more please download the strategy and work plan for the FSN Forum in West Africa.