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FSN Forum publication - Online discussions that make a difference

The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition

Online discussions that make a difference

This special publication showcases some of the FSN Forum's most significant discussions in recent years, on central topics and trends in food security, nutrition, and beyond. From food security concepts to climate change, and from street foods to global governance, see what happens when you “do knowledge sharing right”! 

Click here to download the publication

Обучение, инструменты и базы данных

Food Security - Communications Toolkit

Food security professionals increasing realize that they must use communications strategically for their work to have a maximum impact. While most organizations have invested heavily in food security analysis and research, many still need to enhance their communications to ensure their findings...

International Winter School and Forum on Contemporary Agri-food Issues

The Marie Curie Initial Training Network PUREFOOD1 project team will host a winter school and forum in Barcelona from 12-22 November. The forum will be a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary event, with the joint participation of the PUREFOOD research fellows and supervisory team, a diverse group of external Ph.D. students, and respected local and international scholars and practitioners. The forum will create an atmosphere of debate, exchange, and collaboration. The academic program will feature three distinct learning modes – expert-led discussions, peer-led paper review, and thematically integrated site visits – and will include modules oriented to some of the most prominent themes in agri-food system scholarship today.



Доклады и информационные сводки

Agricultural Extension Services at Crossroads: present dilemma and possible solutions for future in Uganda

Agricultural extension in Uganda has undergone a number of transformations from regulatory 1920-1956, advisory 1956-1963, advisory Education 1964-1971, dormancy 1972-1981, recovery 1982-1999, Educational 1992-1996, participatory education 1997-1998, Decentralized Education 1997-2001 and now...

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UOC/FAO University Specialization in Impact Assessment

The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya's (UOC) Department of Food Systems, Culture and Society and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are partnering to offer a fully accredited, online certificate entitled: “Assessing Impact of Development Programmes on Food Security” starting 24 October 2012. This 4 month joint online UOC/FAO Specialization provides a comprehensive understanding and guidance for assessing the impact of development programmes on food security.

Courses run from 24 October 2012 to 24 February 2013

Certificate fee € 1,100

To register or for more information, please contact UOC directly by phone +34 93 165 42 43 or by email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Обучение, инструменты и базы данных

E-learning Courses on Food Security

The Learning Center offers self-paced e-learning courses on a wide range of Food Security related topics. The courses have been designed and developed by international experts to support capacity building and on-the-job training at national and local food security information systems and networks.

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Обучение, инструменты и базы данных

Руководство по правильному питанию семьи для северного кавказа

The Family Nutrition Guide is a practical guide that aims to improve the feeding and nutrition of families in developing countries. It is primarily written for health workers, nutritionists, agricultural extensionists or other development workers who design nutrition education materials and...

Обучение, инструменты и базы данных

The urban producer's resource book

A practical guide for working with Low Income Urban and Peri-Urban Producers Organizations The manual is the product of collaboration between FAO, Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and several other partners. This collaboration was formally initiated in 1993 when a group of...