
Success stories

FAO's work on gender equality and women's empowerment at country level
Through FISH4ACP, women have learned that there is power in numbers.
Salwa Nuseir, poultry farmer, Damas village Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt, benefitted greatly from attending the digital skills course organized by Nevin Talaat, the manager of the agricultural extension centre in Damas.
Malika Machalikashvili from rural Georgia undertook FAO trainings to improve her yields and started selling her surplus agricultural products with a smartphone.
Inclusive policy and technology uptake can help meet the needs of women, youth, and marginalized groups, which is central to FAO's mandate.
Supporting rural families to meet their basic needs in this time of crisis
FAO/ Pablo Varela Cuervas-Mons
Ligia Elena remembers when she made that mental switch herself. It started with an FAO programme that came to her village.
“I wish everyone from the 11 villages in this commune could join WE-FBS trainings.”
Lkhagva, her husband and many other participants have gained rich experience in agricultural practices and technologies from the FAO-China SSC project.
Analyzing these gender norms can support the development of financial services that better meet women’s needs.
EU-STREIT PNG addresses gender-based violence and its subsequent negative impact on inclusive participation and transformational change in seven remote villages in Sandaun Province.
Programme uses ‘talking book’ audio players to share knowledge on women’s land rights
A passion for sustainable agriculture brought together rural associations and technicians from government institutions in Guayas and Morona Santiago, with the aim of facilitating transformative processes that promote gender equality in their communities.
The three-year project, “Leaving No One Behind: Greater Involvement and Empowerment of Rural Women in Türkiye and Central Asia”, aims to improve the socio-economic status of rural women in Türkiye, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
At the onset of the project, Luisina Torres, an extension officer, worked with the family to analyse their current situation and identify their goals.
Indigenous women’s knowledge is key to restoring ecosystems and building climate resilience
Participating women, coming from all over the country, shared their concerns regarding small-scale agricultural production and rural livelihood under continuous and increasing pressure of climate change.
Like Maryam, over 900 000 people have already been displaced by the drought
“It’s like we are operating on a different level now,” explains Mamadiang. “All decisions are made as a family.”
Like most residents in her village, Salla depends on one of three deep water wells in her village.
The Indigenous women learned how to sundry the algae and extract agar, a jelly-like substance, from its walls to make soaps and cosmetics. ©FAO/Vanessa Olarte Maria says she’s already thrilled with the new skills she has learned.