
Success stories

FAO's work on gender equality and women's empowerment at country level
Through a nutrition education programme, indigenous women in Guatemala are reviving ancestral culinary traditions and fighting malnutrition at the same time.
Two-thirds of Sierra Leone’s population is involved in subsistence agriculture. Farmers — most of them women —operate in an informal and precarious system without any legal titles to their lands.
Like many farmers in Senegal, Guilé Mané used to struggle through the dry season. Rainfall here can be very low and irregular, even in the rainy season.
“My life is so different now,” says 23-year-old Scofia Sadik Mandera, with a big smile on her face.
The Kanyi (a local name for a Sahel breed of goat), has long been the preferred breed among women herders of the Lake Chad Basin. However, due to a nine-year long insurgency, goat ownership in northeastern Nigeria has declined significantly.
New skills, new hope: How a FAO Farmer Field School in Torit, South Sudan became a turning point for an elderly widow.
Displaced shouldn’t mean dismissed. In Iraq, FAO’s cash-based programmes support vulnerable men, women and families affected by conflict.
Thanks to a grant from the Swedish government, an ingenious FAO project, done in conjunction with Guatemala’s agriculture ministry, changed everything.
School gardening takes root in Kenyan refugee settlement.
Empowering rural women like Edwina Mukalay to make change in their communities.
The SOFIA highlights the country’s example by adapting the Voluntary Guidelines for the Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF) in the legal and regulatory framework, by incorporating the situation experienced by Costa Rican fisherwomen and fishe
Farmers, families, schools work together to boost child nutrition.
Amiat initially migrated in the hopes of providing her family with enough income. Now, she has joined a poultry cooperative that allows her to support her family and remain in her home village.
Investing in female entrepreneurs improves livelihoods in Bangladesh.
The community has also been very active and appreciative of Charity’s work. Local women are engaging now, more than ever, in forest and farming activities.
The workshop afforded key stakeholders an opportunity to challenge assumptions about what gender means and to exchange knowledge on how to link gender and climate change issues in practice.
Since 2015, some 15,000 farmers have been joining forces to form groups and practice collective marketing.
“I was motivated to fish because I saw fishermen making more money than I was. One day I decided to try out the net,” says Valeria Maniraguha, a 38-year-old mother of four children who started fishing in 2010.
After Aisa ya Maida lost her husband during an attack on her home in Magumeri, a Local Government Authority (LGA) in Nigeria's Borno State, she fled to Konduga, a neighbouring LGA, with her seven children.
With one failed rainy season after another, Hany Abdullahi Aaden was increasingly worried about the survival of her livestock.