
Success stories

FAO's work on gender equality and women's empowerment at country level
With the desire to improve their practices and businesses, Tahmina, Jalal and Isa have all been in touch with FAO, participating in various projects throughout the country.
Farmers organizations have improved entrepreneurial skills and financial management skills for farmers
“We used to struggle looking for seeds, and we couldn't get them, but now we have saved a stock,” says Anita.
Naomi also opened her eyes to a career in agriculture and says coming back home was the best decision she ever made.
Due to their local knowledge of sustainable natural resource management and practices at the household and community levels, women, in particular, play essential roles in responding to climate-related challenges and shocks.
During the last webinar in the “Community Engagement Days” series, speakers presented experiences, illustrated the challenges and solutions to collective action for community engagement approaches.
Turna’s success and proven track record in production and marketing has enabled it to survive the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
For the environment, mangrove forests are a crossroads for ocean, continental and instream ecosystems.
Following a highly participatory and interactive format, conversation focused on power dynamics and their impact on projects, project evaluation and community engagement.
The objective of the third webinar was to review the achievements, potential and challenges of community engagement for empowerment approaches in rural development and humanitarian interventions.
With the money the women collectively generate, they are helping support their families to meet their basic needs such as food and healthcare.
As a result of her life-long experiences, she knows very well the challenges women face in agriculture as she had to go through many of them.
FAO and the CGIAR GENDER Platform hosted a technical learning webinar focused on sharing tangible results of gender transformative approaches (GTAs) applied in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
Climate change means that extreme weather – intense rainfall at times and longer dry periods at others– results in either too much or too little water for the approximately 90 percent of Senegalese farmers who practice rain-fed agriculture.
Women play a key role in processing traditional dairy products, and there is a high local demand, but there is little recognition for the women’s work behind it.
“I feel independent”, declared one of the women entrepreneurs who participated in the Yemen’s project.
Mountain women in Kyrgyzstan are collaborating with Haitian-Italian fashion designer Stella Jean to bring their traditional felt designs to the international stage.
On International Women's Day, we must take the opportunity to bring awareness to the profound contributions rural women make to society, as well as the ways in which they are underrepresented and hindered.
In a remote Venezuelan farming town, Eliana and her family depend on their garden for food and income through droughts, an economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. 
For the women, one of the most important parts of the project is the sheep-rearing training groups, formed by the HFLS project and run by the women themselves.