
Success stories

FAO's work on gender equality and women's empowerment at country level
“Without food, there is no health and without women, there is no food,” said Jessie Thomson of CARE Canada as she summarized key takeaway messages from the speakers.
Three women farmers saw an opportunity to further their knowledge and benefits from farming when the FAO project “Dynamic Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agrobiodiversity in Traditional Agroecosystems of the Philippines” came to their community.
Before coming into contact with the project, Fatemeh, Abolghasem – like many of their neighbours – could hardly see beyond making ends meet.
Encouraging tourists to take an interest in the unique way the local communities gather fish and cook with it will boost income for local communities and develop more sustainable value chains all year round.
“I am very happy to be part of this cooperative. We are not only enjoying new friendships with Syrian women, but also exploring new opportunities – in business and in building self-confidence," Derya added.
A Norad-funded FAO project currently starting up in Ghana, Malawi, Tanzania, Sierra Leone and Uganda places women in fisheries in focus.
If we are to achieve #ZeroHunger and end rural poverty, we can’t afford to leave young rural women behind. Women comprise about 43 percent of the agricultural labor force, but even more of its potential.
Nowadays, in each of the communities where the project is running, women have a strong, decisive presence in the local development fund committees.
“I don’t have to go to the market every day to purchase vegetables. Now I am proud to say that I am growing my own produce and hope to be able to save money,” Gul describes.
In conflict areas, FAO supports people in their daily lives, helping to ensure that they can continue to earn an income, provide food for their families, access medical care and send their children to school.
Mwanasha, from the Uzi Island, is a mother of five. After her husband died, she depended on seaweed farming for her family’s survival.
Different ethnic groups took part in the training in Guayabal including the Wayúu people, the country’s largest indigenous group, as well as Afro-descendants and Venezuelan migrants.
“I’m very excited about receiving the GI certification because this will give us new opportunities, open new markets and businesses,” he adds.
“Throughout the Senegal River Delta, we're facing a drastic decrease in water availability. For this reason, the RESSOURCE Project has started up at just the right moment, offering a positive response to climate change,” Astou affirms.
We were taught how to make apple and orange jam by using simple techniques, which will work for rural women,” said Razan, who will later visit other governorates, such as Lattakia, Rural Damascus and Hama to train rural women.
Mushtari has become a role model to many other women in her community and outside of it.
Beekeeping can help alleviate poverty, protect biodiversity and support food security, thus helping to achieve #ZeroHunger.
In the Pacific, FAO is boosting nutrition in schools, promoting nutritional understanding and supporting healthy eating habits both inside and outside the classroom.
The Slow Food Presidia projects help artisan food producers and farmers all over the world to safeguard their food and agricultural heritage.
The clubs create a space for everyone to become an agent of change – and are thus a vital means of working toward #ZeroHunger and achieving the 2030 Agenda.