Global Soil Partnership

Twentieth ITPS Working Session

The 20th Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils working session was held in presence at FAO Headquarter on 19-21 March 2024.

The presentations are available for consultation and include latest progresses made by the different working groups on each assigned topic.

Details of the event

Presentations to the Eighteenth ITPS Working Session

19 - 21 March 2024 | FAO headquarters

Item 1. Opening of the meeting, Ms Rosa Poch, ITPS Chair Mr Lifeng Li, NSL Director

Item 2. Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable, Ms Rosa Poch, ITPS Chair

Item 3. Election of Rapporteur, Ms Rosa Poch, ITPS Chair

Item 4. Report of the work performed since the 19th working session

  • Progress on soil organic carbon related activities (RECSOIL and GSOC-MRV):

          - Introduction to RECSOIL: Recarbonization of global soilsMichaela Brown GSP Secretariat

          - Update on RECSOIL Project Implementation and Technical Materials, Michaela Brown, Guillermo Peralta GSP Secretariat

          - The Recarbonization of Agricultural Soils (RECSOIL) initiative: supporting farmers to increase soil carbon while bolstering soil healthMichaela Brown GSP Secretariat

Item 5. Participation at the IUSS centennial, GSP Secretariat

Item 6. Review and redefine the conclusions and recommendations of the Global Symposium on Soil and Water (GSOWA23) – outcome documentMs Janet Nabwami, GSP Secretariat

Item 7. Preparation of the Global Symposium on Soil Information and Data 2024, Ms Isabel Luotto and Mr Yuxin Tong, GSP Secretariat

Item 8. Preparation of ITPS LettersMs Rosa Poch, ITPS Chair

Item 9. Review of the soil health indicators and key performance indicators of the GSP Action FrameworkMs Isabel Luotto, GSP Secretariat

Item 10. Development of ITPS work plan 2023-2024 and document to the GSP Plenary AssemblyAll, moderated by Ms Rosa Poch, ITPS Chair

Item 11. Summary of World Soil Day 2023 and updates on World Soil Day 2024Ms Isabelle Verbeke, GSP Secretariat

Item 12. Preparation of the 2nd edition of the Status of the World’s Soil Resources Report, Mr Dan Pennock, Chief Editor


Item 13. Any other business, Ms Rosa Poch, ITPS Chair Ms Natalia Rodríguez Eugenio, GSP Secretariat

Item 14. Date and venue of the next meeting, Ms Rosa Poch, ITPS Chair Ms Natalia Rodríguez Eugenio, GSP Secretariat

Item 15. Closure of the meeting, Ms Rosa Poch, ITPS Chair Ms Natalia Rodríguez Eugenio, GSP Secretariat