Support to Rural Enterpreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG)

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Cocoa Nursery Owners partnered with the EU-STREIT PNG Programme
EU-STREIT PNG collaborates with registered enterprises (nurseries) to sustainably supply quality cocoa seedlings in the Sepik region of Papua New Guinea.
International Youth Day 2022 commemorated by the FAO-led EU Funded UN Joint STREIT Programme in Papua New Guinea
EU-STREIT PNG joins hands with rural youth groups in Papua New Guinea to celebrate the International Youth Day with a message for young population to become proactive and take part in agri-food value chain businesses. 
PNG Youths attending STREIT organised training on Occupational Safety and Health Hazards
To build the capacity of the local workforce to support rural road transport infrastructure development projects in Papua New Guinea, the EU-STREIT PNG Programme trained and upskilled a new batch of interested young men and women in the Sepik region.
The European Union Delegation to Papua New Guinea paid a visit to EU-STREIT Programme's implementation sites in East Sepik and engaged directly with the farmers and beneficiaries.
The European Union Delegation to Papua New Guinea paid a visit to EU-STREIT Programme's implementation sites in East Sepik and engaged directly with the farmers and beneficiaries.
Value chains actors attending FAO's information session on STREIT Innovation Fund
The EU Funded UN Joint STREIT PNG Programme established the “STREIT Innovation Fund” to support local MSMEs and entrepreneurs and stimulate investments in cocoa, vanilla and fisheries value chains. 
EU Ambassador, ESP Acting Deputy Administrator and EU-STREIT Programme Coordinator inaugurate a new road rehabilitation project
The EU Ambassador to PNG launched a new transport infrastructure project in East Sepik which improves access to market, business opportunities, health aids and schools for more than 2000 villagers in a ground-breaking ceremony. 
Official Opening ceremony of the EU Funded UN Joint STREIT Programme Office

EU Funded UN Joint STREIT Programme in Papua New Guinea establishes a renewable energy-powered facility to support local government authorities in East Sepik Province, in delivering effective services to rural farmers and entrepreneurs.