Support to Rural Enterpreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG)

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Field Deliveries & Technical Assistance

FAO under STREIT PNG Programme empowers Women's business group with new FFT fish dryer

The FAO through the EU-funded UN Joint STREIT PNG Programme continues to provide technical support to Women's Business Groups throughout the Sepik region...

Partners' Testimonies

FAO Supports Papua New Guinea Delegation to Learn from Madagascar's Vanilla Industry

FAO, under EU-STREIT PNG, coordinates an exposure visit for stakeholders in the Vanilla Value Chain Development in Papua New Guinea to the world's leading...

Beneficiaries' Testimonies

Young Farmer shares experience on exposure study visit with EU-STREIT PNG to AROB

Nimrod Wangu, a young vibrant leader of 'SultOngo Cooperative Group' in Nuku, WSP, Spoke about his experience during an exposure study visit to the...

Latest Videos 


Mr Conrad Tilau, the West Sepik Provincial Administrator, explains how the partnership between the #EU-STREIT PNG Programme and the West Sepik Provincial Administration in implementing agri-rural development infrastructure projects, strengthens the cocoa, vanilla and fisheries farmers, value chains actors, and the rural population.


This Year's International Women's Day celebrations at Vanimo Town in West Sepik Province was epic. Over 300 men, women and youth joined our Gender & Youth Inclusion team with our partners and stakeholders to commemorate the day.


Kathistha Mathew is a trained Road Maintenance worker under the ILO Routine Maintenance Group (RMG) program, focusing on upskilling the rural road construction workforce and creation of decent employment opportunities in the Sepik.


De Villiers Korave, a Senior Trade Mark Examiner with the Intellectual Property Office of PNG (IPO) explains the importance of Geographical Indication and the Investment Promotion Authority's partnership with the STREIT PNG Programme to establish GI in piloted provinces of Sepik and Papua New Guinea as a nation.


Patteson Elesi, a project engineer from Midway Pacific Ltd (a private contractor), explains how they work closely with local communities to rehabilitate Balif-Araseli Road in Maprik and Ambunti-Drekikier districts under the EU-funded STREIT PNG Programme, all to improve the access of farmers and villagers to markets, towns, schools, health centres and other public facilities.


Derol Gambaro, a local banking agent in Angoram District of East Sepik Province, explains how he has been able to serve and help 4000+ farmers to get access to financial services, making the business, daily transactions and saving easy and conveniently accessible for rural women and men.


Philomena is the Medical Officer in charge of the Dagua Health Centre in East Sepik Province who shares the same sentiments as other medical staff in Health Stations and Schools across the Sepik Region, which UNDP in Papua New Guinea is assisting through the renewable energy component of the #EU-funded STREIT PNG Programme.


Support from FAO, DAL, Coacoa Board ESP and MiBank through the EU-funded UN joint STREIT PNG Programme has prompted changes and motivated cocoa farmers in Porombe Village of Yangoru Sausia District in East Sepik Province.