Support to Rural Enterpreneurship, Investment and Trade in Papua New Guinea (EU-STREIT PNG)

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Field Deliveries & Technical Assistance

FAO under STREIT PNG Programme empowers Women's business group with new FFT fish dryer

The FAO through the EU-funded UN Joint STREIT PNG Programme continues to provide technical support to Women's Business Groups throughout the Sepik region...

Partners' Testimonies

FAO Supports Papua New Guinea Delegation to Learn from Madagascar's Vanilla Industry

FAO, under EU-STREIT PNG, coordinates an exposure visit for stakeholders in the Vanilla Value Chain Development in Papua New Guinea to the world's leading...

Beneficiaries' Testimonies

Young Farmer shares experience on exposure study visit with EU-STREIT PNG to AROB

Nimrod Wangu, a young vibrant leader of 'SultOngo Cooperative Group' in Nuku, WSP, Spoke about his experience during an exposure study visit to the...

Latest Videos 


The #EU-funded STREIT PNG Programme, in collaboration with National Fisheries Authority, works on providing technical assistance to inland fish farmers across the Sepik Region.


#BreakTheBias and recognise how “Gender Equality Today” is essential “for a Sustainable Tomorrow” Happy International Women’s Day 2022


The EU-STREIT PNG Programme continues to provide support to vanilla farmers, even in hard-to-reach areas, assisting them to rehabilitate old vanilla blocks and improve cultivation of new vanilla blocks.


SISIDA COOPERATIVE SOCIETY is one of the model groups the EU Funded UN Joint PNG Programme is supporting in Turubu LLG, Wewak, East Sepik Province. Established in 2021.


EU-STREIT PNG Programme is working closely with Cocoa Board of PNG and DAL to provide support to rural farmers in West Sepik hinterlands through their organized cluster groups.


Our technical assistance into rural and remote parts of Sepik attempts to educate and equip rural farmers with essential knowledge and skills to manage and produce the best quality in their farms. Here, we demonstrate the proper techniques of vanilla pollination which almost all vanilla farmers slightly lack knowledge in.