Managing pesticide wastes, supporting green crop production in Central Asia and Türkiye

Component 2: Strengthened legal and institutional frameworks

Component 2 aims at strengthening legal as well as institutional frameworks for proper pesticide management across the full pesticide life-cycle. Activities include:

  • Review of existing legislation related to the pesticide life-cycle and to the management of pesticide wastes and empty containers; definition of gaps; and drafting of proposals for legislation updates for the beneficiary countries;
  • Review and improvement of systems for pesticide registration, packaging and labelling;
  • Introduction of best practices on pesticide use, spraying operations, and use of personal protection equipment. As women constitute an important portion of the agricultural labour force in the region and are sometimes involuntarily exposed to high pesticide residues in handling produce, special consideration will be given to their role.
Key results so far under Component 2
  • Three national reviews of current legal frameworks finished
  • Regional report on gender, socio-economic and health dimensions of pesticide use and management developed
  • Initial review of pesticides registration system in Tajikistan done
  • Various FAO Guidelines translated into Russian and Turkish