South-South cooperation: Digital transformation and innovation in agriculture

FAO and five CELAC countries participate in rural digitalization exchange in China



Five representatives from the governments of Chile, Costa Rica, Guyana, Mexico and Trinidad and Tobago are in China to learn about innovative solutions that the Asian country has applied in agriculture and rural areas. This exchange is carried out within the framework of the “South-South Cooperation project: Digital Transformation and Innovation in Agriculture”, led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the People’s Republic of China aimed at improving rural livelihoods in 12 countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

During the exchange, which take place from May 18 to 25, the representatives will present to Chinese authorities involved in the South-South Cooperation project, the progress and lessons learned from the implementation of digital initiatives in their respective countries. This will allow them to understand the challenges faced by Latin America and the Caribbean in terms of digitalization matters and explore opportunities for the continuity and expansion of ongoing efforts.

The officials comprising the delegation include Mauricio Beltrán, head of the Processes and Information and Communication Technologies division at the Agricultural Development Institute (INDAP) of Chile; Norman Mora, regional director of the Northern Huétar Region at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica; Travis Pilgrim, senior extension officer at the Rice Development Board of Guyana (GRDB); Laura Gómez, deputy director of Bioenergy and Alternative Energies at the General Directorate of Risk Management of Mexico; and Ragbir Prakash, manager of Information and Communication Technologies at the National Marketing and Agricultural Development Corporation (NAMDEVCO) of Trinidad and Tobago. 

In addition to the five professionals, the group includes Katalina Moyano, regional coordinator of the “South-South Cooperation project: Digital Transformation and Innovation in Agriculture” and Grevil Matute, representative of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Livestock of Honduras, the country that currently holds the pro tempore presidency of CELAC. Both professionals accompany the technicians in meetings and field visits in the cities of Pekin and Shanghài.

China has made remarkable efforts in its digital development, making significant progress in integrating the internet, big data and artificial intelligence into agriculture and accelerating the use of e-commerce in rural areas. The plans and programs promoted by the Chinese government in this regard have resulted in notable outcomes in poverty alleviation and inclusive development.

Learning about the example of China is an opportunity for the CELAC countries participating in the “South-South Cooperation project: Digital Transformation and Innovation in Agriculture” to have new insights that will help them in the development and implementation of national and local strategies to improve the digitalization process in rural areas.

Meetings with authorities and a visit to Alibaba mark the delegation's early days 

One of the first activities undertaken by the delegation was a meeting with authorities from the International Cooperation Service Center (CICOS) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China (MARA). This instance was attended by Xu Ming, Deputy Director General; Song Yuxing, Division Director of International Organizations Cooperation; and Zixin Zeng, Programs Officer of MARA. They were briefed on the project's development in the region and provided with detailed insights into the initiatives undertaken in each country.

Additionally, the group visited Alibaba, a Chinese company with renowned expertise in e-commerce. While there, they delved into the key factors contributing to the company's success, learned from case studies involving small-scale producers from rural areas of the Asian country, and explored the experience of Taobao villages. These villages have significantly contributed to the economic development of rural areas through online sales of their products. 


Ricardo Rivera

Communicator of the Regional Initiative Prosperous and inclusive rural societies

[email protected]

Catalina Acosta

Technical assistant for implementation and sensitization

[email protected]