South-South cooperation: Digital transformation and innovation in agriculture

Exchange of experiences
Main goals

With this product, the Project seeks to promote the exchange of experiences of the governments of the participating countries on post-COVID-19 response, recovery policies and programs that facilitate better decision making.

Events held

In this context, the following activities have been carried out:

  • Conference "Political dimension of the digital transformation of the rural world: Advances and Challenges" in the context of FAO's +Rural +Digital fair, with the participation of Angela Penagos, president of the Agricultural Sector Financing Fund (FINAGRO), Monica Rodrigues, economic affairs officer of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), Silvia Massrusha, general head of digital agriculture of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) and Francine Brossard, executive director of the Foundation for Agricultural Innovation (FIA).
  • Conference on international experiences of digitalization in rural sectors at FAO's +Rural +Digital fair, with presentations by Alibaba and the FarmBetter initiative, moderated by the Innovation Officer, Souroush Parsa. This event was attended by Annie Li, Alibaba's Rural Vitalisation Commissioner in Pingshun County, Shanxi Province; and Benjamin Gräub, a FarmBetter expert who leads a digital advisory team for farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Asia.