South-South cooperation: Digital transformation and innovation in agriculture


This publication provides key features of South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) and how FAO has applied it to the delivery of its mission. The studies showcase how SSTC has contributed to alleviating hunger and malnutrition in countries across the global South and has helped build resilience in the face of climate change and other challenges. The lessons learned are feeding into FAO’s new SSTC Guidelines for Action (2022–2025) and will guide its future results-based SSTC programmes.


The experiences in the report cover a wide range of topics, including strategies for responding to public health emergencies, especially those involving digital technologies and support for vulnerable populations, women, children, the elderly and young people. It is a product to help promote the exchange of replicable practices and the exchange of knowledge between authorities and experts, and for the understanding of challenges, solutions, approaches and strategies in the Global South.


A special edition of UNOSSC’s Good Practices publication series “Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation: Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goal on Good Health and Well-being” was jointly produced by UNOSSC, PAHO/WHO, UNFPA and UNICEF. The publication presents around 40 good practices on the role and potential of South-South and triangular cooperation in delivering on the Sustainable Development Goal on Health and Well-being (SDG3).