South-South cooperation: Digital transformation and innovation in agriculture

Agriculture Digitalization
Main goal

The Project aims to provide a public-private roadmap for participating governments to promote digitization and e-commerce strategies among family farmers and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. This includes carrying out territorial pilot initiatives that implement digital solutions in agriculture.

To date, the project has work plans in the following countries:

  • Barbados: use of drone images and soil scanners to improve risk management and crop production management for small farmers.
  • Guyana: Implementation of a digital project to support small producers in monitoring and early detection of pests and diseases that may affect rice crops.
  • Mexico: promoting the “Digital System for the Optimal Use of Water and Nutrients in the Irrigation District 020 Morelia-Queréndaro”, which aims to support small producers in optimizing the use of water, soils and fertilizers in their crops. 
  • Suriname: Developing a new digital framework together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries for data storage on crop and animal production and designing an e-commerce system to facilitate the buying and selling of products.
  • Trinidad & Tobago: Expanding the use of a traceability platform to collect production information from the field to the final consumers.