South-South cooperation: Digital transformation and innovation in agriculture

FAO presented results of the digital initiative implemented to support inclusive rural transformation in Costa Rica

©FAO/Valeria Navas


Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), the Municipality of Guatuso, the productive sector, project partners, public institutions authorities, and the technical team of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in Costa Rica met to learn about the results of the first phase of the ”Integrated Pilot System for Digitization and Agroclimatic Information”, an initiative that was launched to improve decision-making, optimize the use of fertilizers and water, and reduce uncertainties and risks in the cultivation of cassava, dual-purpose grass and cocoa by small-scale producers in the canton of Guatuso, Alajuela.

The meeting was an opportunity for attendees to learn about the first results of the initiative and the medium and long-term sustainable opportunities for this pilot system, which was designed within the framework of the “South-South Cooperation project: Digital Transformation and Innovation in Agriculture” led by FAO and the People Republic of China to improve livelihoods in the rural sectors of 12 countries that are part of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

From MAG, an institution that worked together with FAO and Coopelesca in this initiative and was crucial in its implementation, it was emphasized that technology is a great ally to improve the productive performance f the small and medium-scale Costa Rican family farms.

“Examples like this project provide us with extremely valuable data, lessons and experiences so that our extensionists and producers can work more harmoniously, more up-to-date and supported by technology, and, most importantly, optimizing resources, developing capacities all for a common good”, pointed Karla Mena, director of the National Directorate of Agricultural Extension of the MAG.

Meanwhile, Marvin Leitón, extensionist of the MAG Agency in Guatuso, who along with more than ten extensionists from the Northern territory (Guatuso, Upala and Los Chiles) have been receiving training in the use of the equipment, interpretation and analysis of generated data, indicated that this pilot project could represent an opportunity for families to improve their farm management based on data analysis to produce more efficiently.

In addition to the two officials, the MAG delegation included Norman Mora, regional director of the Huetar Norte Regional Direction of MAG, who participated in the exchange trip to China that took place recently under the “South-South Cooperation project: Digital Transformation and Innovation in Agriculture”.

It is important to highlight that MAG also expressed its commitment to digital transformation through a letter in which they reaffirmed their intention to continue the work carried out in the ”Integrated pilot system of digitization and agroclimatic information”, which contributes to the “National Plan for the Improvement of Productivity and Sustainability of the Agricultural Sector” intended to be applied nationwide gradually under the name AGRINNOVACIÓN 4.0 to promote economic recovery and job creation.

“For FAO, the continuity of this project is of vital importance, not only for the investment that has already been made, but also for the benefits and scope that it can continue to have in Guatuso, the North-North territory and the country in general, reaching more hectares and more crops”, expressed Andrea Padilla, FAO's Assistant Representative of Programs in Costa Rica, who also thanked the People’s Republic of China for the support provided in this first phase.


Ricardo Rivera

Communications Specialist

[email protected]

Catalina Acosta

Technical assistant for implementation and sensitization

[email protected]