South-South cooperation: Digital transformation and innovation in agriculture


Within the framework of the 38th FAO Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean in Guyana, the Director General of the organization, Qu Dongyu, visited the Burma Rice Station to learn the details of the digital initiative promoted by the FAO-China-CELAC South-South Cooperation project: Digital Transformation and Innovation in Agriculture.


Dr. Guofu Feng, expert in digital agriculture and technical expert for the FAO-China-CELAC project, refers to the main points addressed in the presentation he made at the virtual seminar “Digitalization of Agriculture: Chinese experience and challenges for Latin America and the Caribbean”.


Haibo Zhu, expert in rural digitalization for the FAO-China-CELAC project, talks about the main points addressed in the presentation he made in the virtual seminar “Chinese experience in digitalization of rural areas and the role of electronic commerce in Poverty alleviation: a reference for Latin America and the Caribbean.