FAO Liaison Office for North America



29 July 2021 - An Indigenous Peoples delegation of nine representatives was present in person for the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit that was held in Rome from 26-28 July 2021. The pre-summit brought together youth, farmers, civil society, researchers, private sector, country delegations, and poli...


Abbe McCarter joined our Washington office as an Intern in June of 202...


13 July 2021 - FAO North America and CSIS Global Food Security Program held a private roundtable webinar featuring keynote speaker Dr. David Hughes, Dorothy Foehr Huck and J. Lloyd Huck Chair in Global Food Security at Penn State University and PlantVillage founder. Dr. Hughes presented his wo...


We are excited to introduce you to Jocelyn Brown Hall, the new Director of the FAO Liaison Office for North America. A U.S. citizen, Brown Hall joins FAO North America from her previous position as the FAO Representative for Ghana and the Deputy Regional Representative of FAO’s Regional Office...


In recognition of 2021 World Food Day and in keeping with the power of poetry to move hearts and minds towards needed anti-hunger actions, Poetry X Hunger and its partners announce an important Call for Poetry Submissions.  Collaborators include the Food and Agriculture Organizat...


11 June 2021, Washington, D.C. - “Malnutrition contributes to close to 3 million childhood deaths under the age of 5 every year,” said Eric Mitchell, Executive Director of the Alliance to End Hunger. “On the other hand, investing in nutrition, particularly within the first 1000 days between th...


16 June 2021, Washington, D.C. - Jocelyn Brown Hall joins the FAO Liaison Office for North America based in Washington, D.C. as the new Director. In her role, she will lead FAO’s engagement with Canada and the United States to advance more efficient, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable agri-...


7 June 2021, Washington, D.C. - Following the global launch of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration on World Environment Day, FAO North America and UNEP North America co-hosted a 72-hour ...


Dear Readers,

Change is the only constant. After four and half years at FAO North America, it is time for me to move on. I will soon be joining as the FAO Representative in Sri Lanka. As I move continents and workstreams, part of me clings to the com...


If you know anything about Planet Forward, it’s that we educate students about the power and importance of telling diverse stories around sustainability and science — and the entire web of topics and issues that take root there — with a focus on engaging a conversation with the next generation...


This webinar, organized by the University of Vermont and FAO North America with support from the Office of U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy, to learn about Agritourism’s contributions to food security and sovereignty, farm viability, rural economic devel...


My name is Alexandria Richter and I joined the FAO North America team as a Partnerships Intern in June. I was born and raised in New York but over the past few years, I have lived in Dallas, London, and Rome. I recently graduated from the University of Roma Tre with a Master of Human Developme...


2 June 2021, Washington, DC – FAO North America and Planet Forward announce four students that have been selected for a Summer Storytelling Fellowship to produce stories in any medium at the nexus of food security, agriculture, and nutrition.


20 May, 2021, Washington, DC - “Pollination is a fundamental process for the survival of our ecosystem,” said Vimlendra Sharan, Director of FAO North America.“The diversity of bees and other pollinators is falling, and this concerning trend is caused by a number of factors, be it pest...


Dear Readers,

As the world continues to confront the hardships triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is critical for us to look back at the year gone by and bridge the weaknesses that exist in our agri-food systems in order for us to recover and build back better.


4 May 2021 - With the United States, under the new administration, re-joining the Paris Agreement and President Biden’s convening the Leaders Summit on Climate, is a new era for climate change and food security...