FAO Liaison Office for North America



“There is no fear because nature will always be there in some form. And the hope is all my work can be passed to three other youth out there so it can grow” - Clifton Bruno.

Clifton Bruno is Wasco from the Columbia River basin in Oregon; where his peoples have lived sin...


As Chair of the informal Group of Friends of Indigenous Peoples in Rome, and Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the FAO, I welcome the close collaboration between the FAO Liaison Office for North America in Washington D.C. under the leadership of its Director, Vimlendra Shara...


“Food is what connects people, and especially here. It’s always what brings people together” - Aimee Pond.

Dianne Amiotte-Seidel and Aimee Pond are both enrolled members of the Oglala Lakota Tribe. Together they are part of the dedicated team of the Thunder Valley Commu...


2 September 2020 – Indigenous peoples’ food systems have sustained communities while preserving biodiversity for centuries. FAO considers indigenous peoples as key allies in improving food security and transforming food systems given their traditional knowledge, capacity to preserve biodiversi...


It has been a great pleasure to have been involved and participate in the seven brainstorming and introductory meetings with indigenous peoples from across the United States and Canada that were organized by FAO North America over the past two months.

I would like to thank every si...


From Africa’s great lakes to the mega-deltas of large river systems; from mountain streams to mangrove-fringed lagoons; and from rocky coasts to the open ocean, small-scale fisheries (SSF) provide livelihoods for millions, essential nutrition for billions, and bolster household, local and nati...


Dear Readers,

The pandemic has accelerated a rethink of the global economy. It is not clear where it will lead. The old socio-economic developmental paradigm is looking tired. One way or another, change must come. Questions of equity and access, so fundamental to...


23 July 2020 – “Transforming our food systems as well as our health systems are critical pillars to ending malnutrition in all its forms and achieving nutritional wellbeing for all,” stated Renata Micha, Co-Chair of the Global Nutrition Report’s Independent Expert Group, during the webinar


Migrant workers within and across countries are central to food systems – agricultural production, and food processing, transportation, and retail – globally. To contain the spread of COVID-19, mobility restrictions, border closures, and lockdowns have limited migrant workers’ ability to perfo...


Dear Readers,

The COVID-19 pandemic refuses to abate. If IMF predictions hold true, the global economy could contract by 5% in 2020, leaving behind a world with unprecedented economic upheavals causing major disruptions in all sectors, including agriculture and food.

It is impera...


18 June 2020 - “We must limit the spread of antimicrobial resistance now and treat it as the emergency it is. Otherwise, a century of progress in health, economic and development gains can be jeopardized within a generation timeframe,” stated Maria Helena Semedo, FAO Deputy Director-General at...


Calling all Poets living in Washington, DC, and surrounding Maryland and Virginia counties!

2 July 2020, Washington, DC - In recognition of the power of poetry to move hearts and minds, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Liaison Office for...


2 July 2020, Washington DC – While millions of people around the world lose their livelihoods due to the pandemic, and lines in front of food banks get longer, news about fresh produce being plowed under, milk being wasted and livestock being euthanized have received increasing attention.


30 June 2020 – Forests and the biodiversity they contain continue to be under threat from human activities. To explore solutions in balancing conservation goals with local needs and global demands for forest resources, FAO North America and the National Geographic Society hosted a virtual


29 June 2020 - While many Canadians worry about grocery store shelves being more bare than usual, more than 265 million people globally could face starvation by the end of 2020. Farmers in Canada and around the world are seeing challenges in their ability to grow, buy, sell, and prepare food. ...


16 June 2020 – FAO North America and CARE organized the first Food Systems Dialogue focusing specifically on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment for Food Security and Nutrition. The interactive dialogue focused on the often-invisible role of women in food systems, and the urgent need for w...


Food safety touches every aspect of our food system and defines how secure, sustainable, resilient, and nourishing a food supply can be when stressed. To mark the second annual World Food Safety Day, FAO North America con...


10 June 2020, Washington, DC - While the number of countries implementing food export restrictions has already diminished, significant impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our food systems, agricultural trade and markets remain.

To get an update on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impacts on agri...


Secretary-General António Guterres remarks during the high-level virtual meeting to launch the latest Policy Brief on the Impact of COVID-19 on Food Security and Nutrition.

9 June 2020

There is more than enough food in the world to feed our population of 7.8 bil...


Dear Readers,

The stakes today could not be higher. As we seek to put lockdowns behind us, we have to think hard about our next steps.

The combination of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns could drive up to an additional 420 million people into ab...