FAO Liaison Office for North America



Rome/Baltimore/Geneva, June 1, 2020- The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition, and The Johns Hopkins Alliance for a Healthier World today launched a new easy-to-navigate online tool designed to help decision make...


26 May 2020, Washington, DC/ Ottawa, ON - The COVID-19 pandemic will have significant medium- and long-term impacts on global food and nutrition security, livelihoods, climate resilience, gender equality, trade, and social stability. In order to share Canadian perspectives on the response to t...


22 May 2020, Rome/Nairobi - Urgent action is needed to safeguard the biodiversity of the world's forests amid alarming rates of deforestation and degradation, according to the latest edition of The State of the World's Forests released today.

Published on the Internati...


20 May 2020, Washington, DC - The United Nations declared 2020 as the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) to raise global awareness on how protecting plant health can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment, and boost economic development. To help achieve the goals of th...


15 May 2020, Washington, DC – “Pollinators are essential for ensuring food security and nutrition while maintaining biodiversity and vibrant ecosystems for plants, humans, and animals,” said Vimlendra Sharan, Director of FAO North America, during a World Bee Day webinar. “In fact, close to 75 ...


12 May 2020, Washington, DC – A vibrant, resilient and productive agriculture sector is fundamental to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, stated Vimlendra Sharan, Director of FAO North America at a webinar exploring synergies and tradeoffs in sustainable agriculture. “Bringing about ...


11 May 2020, Washington, DC/Rome - “The combined challenge of rising global hunger and the COVID-19 pandemic reminds us that innovation and the application of science and technology have always been and must continue to be the cornerstone or the foundation of agriculture,” said Beth Bechdol, n...


The world’s biodiversity is facing threats from multiple fronts. Forests – home to 80 percent of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity – are under serious risk from deforestation, forest degradation and climate change. Bees and other pollinators, which are critical to pollinating three qua...


30 April 2020 - FAO North America and EcoAgriculture Partners hosted a virtual Landscape Roundtable on territorial approaches to development and their relationship with i...


29 April 2019 - While most of the world is battling with the coronavirus pandemic, swarms of desert locusts are infesting significant parts of Eastern Africa and Southern Asia. To share an overview of the locust growing challenge, FAO North America and CSIS convened an


23 April 2019, Washington, DC/ Rome – What are the impacts of COVID-19 on our food systems, diets and our health? This was the focus of the second FAO Insights webinar session featuring Anna Lartey, Director of the Nutrition and Food Systems Division at FAO. The session was widely attended wit...


9 April 2020, Washington, DC/ Rome – The FAO Insights webinar series, launched by FAO North America, featured Máximo Torero, Chief Economist and Assistant Director General of the Economic and Social Development Department at FAO, for its inaugural event. Torero presented an overview of FAO’s H...


From COVID-19 to Locusts, read our April 2020 Newsletter!


FAO and the United States of America (USA) have partnered closely over the past 75 years on efforts to end hunger and malnutrition around the world. The USA is the largest financial contributor to FAO’s budget — with almost USD 527 million through assessed and voluntary contributions in the 20...


Since 1945, Canada and FAO have worked together towards finding solutions to many of the most pressing problems of our time, and tested new ways of delivering support to those most in need. Through total contributions of CAD 71 million1 (USD 53.5 million) between 2018 and 2019, Canada has enab...


The COVID-19 pandemic is causing many changes in the daily lives of people around the world, but there are things that can be done to maintain a healthy lifestyle in these difficult times. Everyone is encouraged to follow World Health Organization (WHO) guidance and governmental advice to prot...


10 March 2020, Ottawa, ON -  FAO North America and CARE Canada cohosted a breakfast briefing for policymakers on Parliament Hill in Ottawa entitled She Leads in Crisis: Supporting Women’s Leadership and Resilience on the Front Lines of Climate Change and Humanitarian Crises. This...


23 March 2020, Rome - FAO is illuminating its headquarters in Rome with the green-white-red colours of the Italian "Tricolore" flag, as a sign of solidarity with its host country as it grapples with the Covid-19 pandemic.

The lights were turned on th...


The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests (IDF) in 2012. The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests. On each International Day of Forests, countries are encouraged to undertake local, natio...


6 March 2020, Rome – The effort to stop ravenous swarms of Desert Locust attacking crops and pastures in East Africa has gotten another boost, thanks to a $19 million contribution from the United States.

Early in the respond the U.S. Agency for International Development...