FAO Liaison Office for North America



As a global community, we share a common responsibility to feed the growing world population. Farmers and food producers around the world face the same two overarching challenges to achieve this goal. First, to produce enough food to meet the needs of growing populations and rising standards o...


Today more than ever, it’s important to promote World Food Day 2020, to make the public aware of the realities faced by those who suffer from hunger in the world, and of the actions we can take to ensure healthy diets for all.

This year, we also celebrate the 75th anniversary...


The world’s demand for fish is growing: over the last thirty years, there has been a 122% rise in fish consumption globally. In 2018, global capture fisheries recorded a catch of 96.4 million tonnes, the highest recorded total to date.  

Small-scale fisheries play an important part...


15 October 2020 - FAO North America in collaboration with the Alliance to End Hunger organized a virtual side event at the 2020 Borlaug Dialogue, following the World Food Prize Laureate award ceremony in Des Moines, Iowa. The discussion, featuring the 2020 World Food Prize Laureate Dr. R...


14 October 2020, Washington, DC – Congratulations to the winners of the 2020 World Food Day Poetry Competition. The third annual contest, under the theme, “Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together.” received 50 submissions from poets living in DC and surrounding counties in Maryland and Virginia.


14 October 2020 – The 2020 World Food Day marks the 75th anniversary of FAO in an exceptional moment as the global community confronts the widespread effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. World Food Day calls for global solidarity to help the most vulnerable populations recover from the crisis, to...


13 October 2020, Washington D.C. – On 11 October, ahead of the Indigenous Peoples’ Day and World Food Day – Slow Food Turtle Island Association, Slow Food USA and FAO North America launched Recipes from Turtle Island, a collection of 14 diverse and nutritious recipes from seven I...


Join a special celebration of World Food Day and Indigenous People’s Day as we launch Recipes from Turtle Island,
a collaboration project between Slow Food Turtle Island Association, FAO North America, Slow Food USA, and the team behind Gather<...


We are excited to partner with Food Tank, the Smithsonian and the Julia Child Foundation to present a Deep Dish Dialogue that will focus on rebuilding food systems. The session will feature Chef José Andrés, Leah Penniman, Laura Reiley, Danielle Nierenberg and Vimlendra Sharan. 


Join the 2020 World Food Day Twitter #WFDChat

Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together.

Friday, October 16, 2020

10 – 11 AM EDT/ 16-17 CEST


Dear Readers, 

As scarlet and russet leaves float in the wind and the sun takes a step back, it is time for us to pause and ponder. Time for us to reflect upon our 75-year long journey, since the founding of FAO in Quebec City in October of 1945.

For over seven decades a...


My name is Laura Mediavilla Redondo and I am a Partnerships Intern at FAO North America. I was born in Madrid, Spain, and have lived in Spain, France, and the United States. I have been living in the United States for the last four years getting my bachelor’s in International Affairs from the ...


“There are many active struggles around the primary need to have land to grow on in the first place. That was, is, and continues to be our collective goal since before Emancipation” – Gail Taylor.

Gail Taylor is the Owner and Operator at Three Part Harmony Farm, a small...


2 October 2020, Washington, DC – FAO North America and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) hosted an online discussion on food systems-wide shocks that have been caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the expectations for the future. Caitlin Welsh, Director of the CSIS Globa...


30 September 2020, Washington D.C. – Sub-Saharan Africa is home to almost one billion people, and more than 60 percent are under the age of 25. With Africa’s population expected to double by 2050, unleashing the intellectual and creative capital of Africa’s youth is imperative to meeting the r...


To rethink the ways in which we produce and handle our food, and to highlight actions and solutions to reduce food loss and waste, FAO North America and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) hosted a twitter chat on the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste on Sept...


Today, during the 27th session of FAO’s Technical Committee on Agriculture (COAG), FAO launched with Member countries the Global-Hub on Indigenous Food Systems, a knowledge center fully dedicated to bridge th...


28 September 2020, Washington DC/Montreal QC – To mark the inaugural International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, FAO North America and the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) organized a webi...


Date: Tuesday, 29th September from 10 – 11 EDT

Topic:  “Stop food loss and waste. For the people. For the planet.”

Host: @FAONorthAmerica (cohost <...


08 September 2020, Washington D.C. - FAO North America hosted a panel discussion about the documentary Gather, which shows an intimate portrait of the growing movement amongst Native Americans to reclaim their spiritual, political, and cultural identities through food sovereignty...