Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Aquaculture technical reports

This is a curated collection of technical documents that are relevant to aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region. This are technical outputs of APFIC workshops or the APFIC Secretariat. There are also FAO publications relevant to the APFIC region.

This review describes the use of feedstock yeasts and bacteria for acquaculture feed, with an emphasis on those sourced from carbon dioxide, ethanol and brewery by-products for their comparatively low costs and sustainability credentials. The scope of application of single-cell protein based feeds and their outcome, are benefits are presented. Aquaculture competes with fish meal use in the diets of swine, poultry and pets, and fish meal production cannot match the growth of all...


The document is a brief of showcase of a specific aquaculture innovation. It contains main information on the technique and approach used, scope and scale of application, accessibility and the outcome and benefits of the innovation. Aquaculture has traditionally been carried out in freshwater and coastal areas. This causes pressures including competition for space from other activities, issues with disease and poor water quality and runoff carrying nutrients and pollution from other land-based activities. Increasing...


An aquaculture improvement project (AIP) is a way for a group of stakeholders to come together to tackle high priority sustainability issues by improving the management practices and policies of all farms operating within a specified area defined by the shared use of a waterbody. After the successful formation of the Hainan Tilapia Sustainability Alliance (HTSA) that established a code of good practice on best management practices at the farm and zonal levels, further...