Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Aquaculture technical reports

This is a curated collection of technical documents that are relevant to aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region. This are technical outputs of APFIC workshops or the APFIC Secretariat. There are also FAO publications relevant to the APFIC region.

The use of medicinal treatments to rid salmon of parasitic sea lice was once standard practice in Norway’s aquaculture sector, but they now account for less than 20 percent of treatments, following the development of a range of alternatives, including biological and mechanical options. Funds are being channelled into the development of vaccines against sea lice. The development of novel medicinal treatments is also ongoing. The key benefits of sea lice prevention, monitoring and...


WorldFish under MYSAP programme promoted the production of dried powder made from small indigenous fish species and piloted portable fish driers, designed to reduce contamination risks. The drier keeps the fish covered while drying them, thereby reducing the contamination risk and the pilot test demonstrated improved safety. The dried small indigenous fish powder was promoted as a complementary food for infants of six months onwards to achieve better nutrition in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Myanmar and...


Plant-based for seafood are being produced using a range of ingredients and processes. The growth of the sector has largely been spearheaded by start-ups, many of which claim to be providing an ethical and sustainable alternative to farmed and wild-caught seafood. As the sector evolves, it is now also beginning to attract the attention of corporate food producers. Currently, plant-based seafood is not widespread globally, with the bulk of producers being based in high-income...