Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Aquaculture technical reports

This is a curated collection of technical documents that are relevant to aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region. This are technical outputs of APFIC workshops or the APFIC Secretariat. There are also FAO publications relevant to the APFIC region.

This handbook aims to enhance the entrepreneurial capacity of small producers in the tilapia value chain. It describes the principles involved and explains the practical skills in analyzing situations and designing an efficient business arrangement that would increase opportunities for business partners to participate in and effectively access the target market.  It is designed as a learning resource for training farmers and other stakeholders along the aquaculture value chain who are involved in value...


Aiming to build regional capacity in aquaculture governance in Asia-Pacific, FAO and NACA jointly implemented a regional consultation in collaboration with NACA member governments to assess the status of aquaculture governance in Asia, share experiences and lessons learned in aquaculture governance among countries, and recommend strategies and actions for further improvement. The consultation consisted of two major activities: country assessment studies and a regional consultative workshop. The country assessment studies were carried out by...


Aquaculture sector in Asia-Pacific has grown rapidly during the past four decades and contributed significantly to food security, nutrition, livelihood and overall socioeconomic development in the region. Meanwhile, disease problem has become increasingly challenging in aquaculture. Un-prudent and poorly controlled use of anti-microbial in animal disease control in aquaculture can have significant contribution to AMR risk. Although the control over the use of antimicrobial in aquaculture through some regulatory frameworks has been strengthened over...