FAO Liaison Office with the European Union and the Kingdom of Belgium



Through its Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) initiative in Europe and Central Asia, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) works to recognize and sus...


The cultivation of coffee is a cornerstone of agricultural livelihoods in Honduras and Guatemala, driving economic growth and poverty alleviation in rural areas.

It accounts for as much as 14 percent of the value of agrifood exports in Guatemala and a staggering 52 percent in Honduras. I...


Rome — The 34th Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC) ended today following four days of exchanges on the steps needed to transform agrifood systems in Europe and Central Asia.

Rome - Artificial Intelligence and the ongoing digital revolution will inevitably transform the world and its agrifood systems, making it all the more urgent that the transformations they drive benefit everyone and contribute to solving global challenges, the Director-General of the Food and...

In a world increasingly interconnected through trade, climate change and biodiversity, the health of our plants has never been more crucial. Recognizing this and following on the International Day of Plant Health that was celebrated on 12 May, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the ...


Deputy Director of the FAO Office for Emergencies and Resilience, Maxwell Sibhensana and WFP’s Chief Economist Arif Husain attended a joint meeting of the European Union’s Council Working Parties on Humanitarian Aid and Food Aid (COHAFA) and on Development Cooperation and International Pa...


On May 15, the then-incoming Hungarian Mission to the EU hosted a workshop for CODEV and COHAFA delegates which marked the start of critical discussions on upcoming Council Conclusions on food security, scheduled for endorsement in December 2024.  

FAO (David Laborde, Director ...


The International Energy Agency (IEA) organized the Summit on Clean Cooking in Africa at UNESCO headquarters, in Paris, with the goal of making 2024 a turning point for pro...

Rome –  While countries in Europe and Central Asia are grappling with conflict and environmental challenges, they are well positioned to pursue the sustainable transformation of agrifood systems and have already taken steps towards achieving many of the core Sustainable Development Goals (

* By QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Europe and Central Asia have a great potential for the global contribution to food security by producing more with less. However, the challenges to our shared vision of a more people-cen...


The Republic of Moldova will host the Thirty-fourth Session of the FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC) from 14 to 17 May 2024. The ERC will gather FAO Members in the Europe and Central Asia region, as well as representatives of United Nations Funds, Programmes and Specialized Agencies. Th...


13-14 May 2024 – Baogen Gu, Senior Agricultural Officer in the FAO Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP), participated in the IPMWORKS European Policy and Stakeholders’ seminar on “Boosting IPM Implementation in the EU” and the IPM Conference 2024. His contributions highlighted t...


Rome - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is marking this year’s International Day of Plant Health by shining a light on the importance of leveraging innovation to p...


In commemoration of World Portuguese Language Day, which is observed annually on 5 May, and in support of the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, the Embassy of Portugal in Belgium, UN Environment Programme and FAO in Brussels in partnership with the United Nations in Brussels...


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant threat to global public health, necessitating urgent and coordinated action at national and international levels.  From 6 to 8 May 2024, the Federal Public Service Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment (FPS Health), togeth...


Rome- Earth Map, a pioneering initiative by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) that leverages freely available archives of geospatial data for climate and environment monitoring and mapping has been honoured with a 


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) welcomes the resolution adopted today by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly to declare 2026 as the International Year of the Woman Farmer.  

The resolution, which was proposed by the United States of America and...


FAO Brussels Director, Raschad Al-Khafaji, shared updates on the Fish4ACP project to the delegates of the ACP and CODEV Working Parties of the Council of the Europe...


New York – In the face of intensifying El Niño and La Niña weather events, effective anticipatory action is crucial to shield and better equip communities ahead of shocks as it helps to save lives and protect livelihoods by preventing damage and losses to crops, livestock, productive lands, wa...


Details surrounding the World Food Forum (WFF) 2024 including this year’s theme: “Good food for al...