FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia

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The fourteenth International LANDNET Workshop took place from 5 to 7 September 2023 in Istanbul. Organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) and the General Directorate of Agrarian Reform (GDAR) of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Türkiye, the workshop brought together approximately 100 participants from around 30 countries, mostly from Europe and Central Asia.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) hosted a groundbreaking workshop that unveiled the findings of a pioneering survey on antimicrobials use (AMU) within the food and veterinary sector in Armenia. The survey, the first of its kind in Armenia, represents a significant step towards understanding and addressing the challenges posed by antimicrobial resistance (AMR) to the country's vital livestock sector.


Odina learned to utilize these transformative techniques through the project, “Smart Farming for the Future Generation”, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). With financial support from the Republic of Korea, this project was launched in 2021 in Uzbekistan and Viet Nam to introduce new growing methods and tools that decrease water consumption and labour, while increasing yields, crop quality and incomes.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) today urged more public and private investment in the massive task of transforming global agrifood systems to feed a growing population, while guarding against adverse environmental impacts.

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, QU Dongyu, today renewed calls for the transformation of global agrifood systems at an International Conference on Food Security in Uzbekistan.

A new FAO emergency and resilience project funded by Luxembourg will provide cash and voucher assistance to 1 500 war-affected families engaged in livestock production.

In the heart of the Fergana Valley, Shaodatkhon Oripova, a 62-year-old mother of three, combats the challenges of rural farming with modern technology. Embracing the power of the internet of things, she exemplifies the transformative wave that the Digital Villages Initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) brings to farming communities in Uzbekistan.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in partnership with Mohii Tojikiston, the Tajik national authority responsible for fisheries and aquaculture development, held a workshop on warm-water aquaculture 22–23 August in Dushanbe. The workshop provided a venue for discussion of the challenges and opportunities to development of the aquaculture sector in the country, and updated participants on current warm-aquaculture technologies and production systems.
Following the Kyrgyz tradition, Manzura Orolbaeva welcomes guests with homemade bread and a saucer of melted butter. The bread is made from grain grown on their farm and the butter from the livestock they keep.
Following the evidence-based analysis of gender in the regional response to the war in Ukraine published last year, the Regional Gender Task Force, the leading advocacy and information and coordination platform on gender in humanitarian action in Europe and Central Asia, has released a new gender brief on Ukrainian refugees’ livelihoods and access to work in neighbouring countries.