XV World Forestry Congress


Field trips


Field trips to sites that explore Congress sub-themes and showcase the Republic of Korea’s Forest policies at work will take place on Saturday, 7 May 2022. Only registered participants may apply to visit one of four locations. The field trip options are all located within one hour of Seoul and include, among others, a tree nursery, an arboretum, and a natural recreation forest.

Date of trip

Saturday, 7 May 2022, start from 8 AM

DestinationsIn and around the vicinity of greater Seoul
Total number of participants140 participants (individual trips will be capped at approximately 35 participants)
Trip formatGuided visit in English only
Participant eligibilityFull-time Congress participants of foreign nationality
Application acceptanceApplications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
CostsNo extra fee will be charged. Field trips will be provided courtesy of the Korea Forest Service.
Application periodFrom 07 March 2022 until all places are filled

Participants will have the opportunity to choose one itinerary from the four itineraries below.

DestinationDistance from Congress venue
Trip 1Yongmun Nursery and Seed Extractory60 km (one hour for one-way trip)
Trip 2Korea National Arboretum42 km (one hour for one-way trip)
Trip 3Yumyeongsan Recreation Forest58 km (50 minutes for one-way trip)
Trip 4Hwadam Botanic Garden44 km (one hour for one-way trip)
Copyright©2021 Iwantsoup
Trip 1: Yongmun Nursery and Seed Extractory

Since its establishment in 1967, this institution has produced and provided the seedlings needed for the Republic of Korea’s forests. It is the largest seedling production institution in the country, and it provides a place to learn about planting in both the national and international context. The institution is committed to researching and preserving native plants and species. It also offers visitors the opportunity to observe and experience how smart technologies – those that automatically detect and manage factors necessary for seedling growth – are used to grow plants and young trees.

Copyright©2012 Korea National Arboretum
Trip 2: Korea National Arboretum

The Korea National Arboretum (KNA) is the first national arboretum in Korea. It has been designated as a World Network of Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO and is committed to researching and preserving genetic resources and to building an information system for species native to Korea. On this trip, participants will be guided around the arboretum to learn more about Korea’s native plants including ‘Korean lady’s slipper’, the endangered species flowering in May. Visitors can enjoy trees planted since 1970 by the eight former presidents of Korea.

Website: https://english.forest.go.kr/kfsweb/kfi/kfs/cms/cmsView.do?cmsId=FC_002133&mn=UENG_07_03_01_01

Copyright©2018 National Yumyeongsan Recreation Forest
Trip 3: Yumyeongsan Recreation Forest

This recreation forest (nature-preserve) on the outskirts of Seoul provides an attractive location for relaxation and education. It features an exhibition complex, a native-plant arboretum, and various botanical gardens. There are pathways through the forest with levelled surfaces, making it easier for visitors to enjoy the surroundings. Participants will be able to follow a trail or stroll up the valley and experience the benefits of this relaxed and beautiful environment.

Website (Korean only): https://www.foresttrip.go.kr/indvz/main.do?hmpgId=0101

Copyright©2020 Hwadamsup
Trip 4: Hwadam Botanic Garden

‘Hwadam’ means ‘to converse kindly and sincerely’ and when the LG Evergreen Foundation established this garden in 2013 the goal was to provide an ecological space where humans and nature can communicate. The botanic garden spans an area of 65 000㎡ and features 17 themed gardens, including Korea's largest moss garden and pine garden, with over 4 000 species of plants. The Foundation, in cooperation with the National Park Service, is researching and creating habitats for the ecological restoration of endangered species such as fireflies and Mandarin ducks.

Website (Korean only): https://hwadamsup.com/relay/main/main.do

How to apply

Eligible Congress participants can apply for field trips by completing this form and submitting it via email to [email protected]. Before applying, please check the participant eligibility information detailed above. Your participation will be confirmed by email.