Sub-theme 5: Managing and communicating forest information, data and knowledge
This sub-theme will present the latest innovations in forest monitoring techniques and discuss the need for sound scientific research and information to support forest policy deliberations. It will also examine how to enhance collaboration between science and policy, to strengthen forest education and to better communicate forestry issues to a wide range of audiences.
Good quality data and information on forests and forest products as the basis for evidence-based decisions will facilitate transformation across the forest sector. The impact of forestry in global narratives, including climate change, biodiversity and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic through forest education and knowledge management will be examined in this sub-theme.
Towards open and transparent reporting and dissemination of forest data
May 2, 2022 | 4:00 PM KST - 5:30 PM KST
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The session will highlight the mechanisms and work streams that are contributing to open and transparent dissemination of forest data.
Panelists will present work from the Global Forest Resource Assessment and the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency. Forest monitoring systems from Uganda, Brazil, Papua New Guinea and the Republic of Korea will be highlighted.
The session will raise awareness of the importance of disseminating open and transparent data in the forest sector to increase credibility and consistency and tackle global challenges such as climate change.

Forest monitoring in action (I) - 'Eyes on the forest' - remote sensing technologies, innovations and initiatives
May 3, 2022 | 11:00 AM KST - 12:30 PM KST
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Video: SEPAL - a powerful, open-source platform for forest and land monitoring
This session will present innovative forest monitoring tools and technologies provided by the international community as global public goods to help governments as well as the private sector to make informed decisions.
The objective is to encourage the use of freely accessible data sets to track progress towards national policy objectives related to forests. Expected outcomes include the enhancement of collaboration between science and policy to increase the uptake of freely accessible data and technologies.

Forest monitoring in action (II) - 'into the forest' - field-based assessments
May 3, 2022 | 4:00 PM KST - 5:30 PM KST
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This session will highlight innovations and emerging trends in field-based forest assessments and the benefit of forest monitoring activities for communities and forest-dependent people.
The session will stimulate learning and discussion on field-based forest inventories, technologies and benefits for forest-dependent communities.

Monitoring the forests to restore ecosystems
May 4, 2022 | 11:00 AM KST - 12:30 PM KST
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Press release: FAO launches new framework to measure progress on ecosystem restoration
The vision of the Task Force on Monitoring is that a science-based restoration movement should be informed by the best available technology and data for planning and monitoring restoration actions on the ground. And, that the latest innovations should be broadly accessible to restoration stakeholders – this can help turn commitments into actions and can help scale investments in restoration.
This session will highlight progress and technical innovations from the Task Force for Monitoring working in support to the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The Framework for Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring (FERM) registry will be launched at this session and will also feature updates to the FERM geospatial platform and progress on the indicator database for monitoring restoration progress through the UN Decade. Panelists will feature examples of successful initiatives and country experiences in restoration monitoring.
Spot-light key solutions for restoration monitoring and launch the FERM registry and new features in the FERM geospatial platform including indicators for monitoring progress on the UN Decade.

Strengthening communication and education
May 5, 2022 | 2:30 PM KST - 4:00 PM KST
Watch the video replay English | French | Spanish | Korean
- How can we be brave in our communication about forests to create greater impact and reach broader audiences?
- Join an interactive and thought-provoking panel discussion with international experts from the Regional Forest Communicators Networks and the global advertising industry.
- Find out what people in the street really think about sustainable forest management.
- Learn why forestry needs a new narrative that inspires hope and action, and attracts new generations of foresters to the sector.
- Discover how to craft strategies to produce more powerful and impactful communication, within and beyond the forest sector.
- Explore ways forward for effective forest communication at country, regional and global levels.
- Bring your own forest communication challenges for expert discussion.
The second half of the session will provide a snapshot of the status of forest education globally, and highlight needs for greater investment, innovation and new approaches to meet the requirements of different stakeholders, but especially of young people. In an interactive discussion, educators and youth representatives will explore how this can be achieved.
The objective of this session is to outline ways forward for effective forest communication and education at country, regional and global levels to secure a sustainable future for forests.