XV World Forestry Congress

©FAO/Pilar Valbuena

The role of forests in a post COVID-19 recovery: Re-imagining the future of forests

May 4, 2022 | 2:00 PM KST - 3:30 PM KST

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Press release: Let forests lead the way in a post COVID-19 world

COVID-19 affects all aspects of life; massively disrupting health systems and livelihoods, global supply chains, and financial and commodity markets. The pandemic has also had a serious impact on the forest and trees sector. Considerable analytical work to assess these impacts has already been done by CPF members and, at a global level, by UNFF .

The forthcoming State of the World’s Forests will provide an in-depth discussion of 'solution pathways' for managing, restoring and using forests and trees in ways that build more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable green economies in the context of a green recovery. Forests are part of sustainable pathways in a post COVID-19 world, through improvements in secure livelihoods, enhanced prevention of future pandemics and contributions toward sustained economic growth in the long term.

Key questions the special event seeks to answer are:

  1. How does COVID-19 impact forests and the forest sector, related food security, local provision of goods and services, livelihoods and sustainable rural economies?
  2. What lessons can be drawn from COVID 19’s impact on forests and related sectors to 'build back better' and with increased resilience against future shocks?
  3. What interventions are required to enhance the forest sector’s contribution to overall post COVID-19 pandemic recovery and to building back better, while also addressing the climate and environmental crises and contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.


This event will present an opportunity to review the case for restoration of ecosystems, forest landscapes, increased protection of wildlife and creation of employment opportunities as a part of the post COVID-19 sustainable pathway, particularly in rural areas.

It will provide a comprehensive assessment of policy responses for 'building back better' and mitigating the impacts of COVID-19 in relation to their actual or potential implications for forests, the forest sector and forest-dependent communities, and attainment of forest-related SDGs. 

highlevel dialogue speakers