XV World Forestry Congress

©FAO/Pilar Valbuena

Sustainable investments in forests for people, profit and nature

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Session 1:  Keynote speeches: Investment in forests: An opportunity for transformation
Session 2:   “Financing green”: Increasing finance flows for forests
Session 3:  The forest sector & ecosystem restoration
Session 4:  The future of forest investment
Session 5:  Making more than wood and money: What do investors need to know to invest?
Session 6:  Transforming, growing and restoring: What support will it take?
Session 7:  Advancing people-centred, pro-nature, profitable & inclusive forest projects – Lessons learned from New Generation Plantations
Session 8:  Accelerating and upscaling forest investment projects

Nature-based solutions have the potential to catalyse low-carbon economic growth, generate green jobs, deliver healthy investment returns and support ecosystem restoration. The call for such solutions and ‘new green deals’ that deliver beneficial economic, social and environmental outcomes have grown since COVID-19 caused health and economic challenges across the globe.

Investment in forest-based projects and programmes can help achieve international ambitions including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To do so, it is essential that we understand and support the wide range of reasons to invest in forests at a diversity of scales: for sustainable consumption and production of forest products, to mitigate and adapt to climate change, to safeguard nature and biodiversity, restore ecosystems, to provide sustainable livelihoods and much more.

This full-day will bring together investors, existing and potential forest project developers, and policymakers to identify practical approaches and investment options to increase the size and benefits that expanded global forest cover will deliver. It will highlight the transformative thinking that is required to ensure the viability of an increasing range of forest investment projects and programmes.

Each session of the Forum will focus on specific and practical dimensions that are essential to consider when developing forest investment proposals. This will include a wide range of considerations including but not limited to partnerships, innovative finance solutions, de-risking, etc.


The session will provide participants with:

  1. A deeper understanding of the transformative thinking and business models that are required if forests are to deliver upon the wide range of direct and indirect benefits they can offer.
  2. A panorama of existing and emerging forest investment opportunities and requirements.
  3. Clarity on the practical steps that are required to advance people-centred, pro-nature, pro-biodiversity and bankable forest projects.
  4. An exploration of the enabling conditions that are required to strengthen the global forest business case and simultaneously restore the earth’s landscapes in the context of the Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
highlevel dialogue speakers investment speakers 2