Des centaines d’activités et de manifestations sont en train d’être organisées dans le monde entier pour promouvoir l’Année internationale du mil. Cliquez sur la carte ci-dessous pour en trouver une près de chez vous.

Que vous soyez une ONG, un gouvernement, une ville, une organisation de la société civile ou une organisation de recherche et de développement ou encore journaliste ou simple citoyen ou citoyenne, saisissez cette occasion pour lancer un appel à l’action!

 Planifiez une manifestation en ligne ou en présentiel, en utilisant le mot-dièse #IYM2023, ou faites passer le message sur vos réseaux et dites-nous si vous avez besoin d’aide. Nous pouvons vous fournir toute une gamme de supports de promotion dans plusieurs langues: affiches, modèles pour des articles promotionnels, vidéos, bannières, etc. Pensez à enregistrer votre manifestation sur la carte et à créer une page de présentation en accès libre en remplissant le formulaire ci-dessous.

Roma (Italy)

IYM 2023 - Year of millets: the cereal of the future?

The event is organized by the cultural association Music Theater International M.Th.I. ETS in collaboration with FOSAN, Bibliothè and the Indo Italian...

Evènement virtuel

Millets - How to unlock their potentials to address nutritional, agricultural, and climate challenges

Millets are expected to play a major role in global food security and hunger alleviation due to their high nutritional value and wide adaptability...


Sonipat (India)

International Conference on Millets for Achieving Nutritional and Economic Security (ICMANES)
21/09/2023 - 23/09/2023

The Government of India is at the forefront of celebrating the International Year of Millets 2023 (IYM 2023) making it a people’s movement and positioning...

Événement hybride, (Ethiopia)

Sustainable post-harvest management of millets for enhanced market opportunities and the well-being of people

The United Nations General Assembly at its 75th Session in March 2021...

Evènement virtuel

Fourth Webinar of the IYM Global Webinar Series “Opportunities for processing millets”

Join this webinar to learn more about the opportunities to process millets!

New Delhi (India)

Millet Master Class

Live millet cooking demonstration with Chef Nishant Choubey for the women from the community in New Delhi, as part of the Shodh Poshan Utsav-5 event.

Pune (India)

' Rotary Millet Jatra'

'Millet Adda', a brand of Agrozee Organics Pvt Ltd and the Rotary Club of Pune Camp jointly organise Rotary Millet Jatra. The event is envisaged as...

Evènement virtuel

Third Webinar of the IYM Global Webinar Series ''Climate resilience of millets''

Join this webinar to learn more about the climate resilience characteristics of millets!

New Delhi (India)

Poshan Utsav
01/09/2023 - 30/09/2023

In September, SHODH celebrates the arrival of Poshan Utsav, a carnival dedicated...

Evènement virtuel

Ryori. Taiwan Issue No. 70: IYM 2023

Among indigenous tribes in Taiwan, millets are important plants. Millets are not only recognized as food, but also carry many socio-culture meanings....

Événement hybride, Nairobi (Kenya)

International Millet Conference
30/08/2023 - 31/07/2023


Millets Banquet held by《Ryori.Taiwan》and Gamaisland

On 17 August, Ryori.Taiwan and Gamaisland (staff cafeteria of Gamania Group) jointly organised a

Evènement virtuel

Online millet recipe competition

Calling all young enthusiasts! Suvernada Foundation is thrilled to announce an exciting online small millet competition for two categories of school...

Taitung (Taiwan)

First quality evaluation of aboriginal millet in the South-link area in Taiwan

The Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension station (TTDARES) and the Jinfeng township office jointly conducted the first quality evaluation...


Mechanized Millet Transplanting with Demonstration Course Promotes Labor-saving Cultivation in East Rift Valley

The Taitung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (TTDARES) held the Millet Seedling Farming and Mechanized Cultivation Demonstration...

Evènement virtuel

The International Year of Millets: Harnessing ancestral knowledge systems for food sovereignty | Webinar to mark International Day of World's Indigenous Peoples | Hosted by World Food Programme

The discussion will feature speakers sharing examples from indigenous/tribal contexts to demonstrate how millet can help communities increase their...

池上 (台灣)

TTDARES Promotes Mechanized Cultivation of Millet in the East Rift Valley with Course on Seedlings

To enhance millet growers’ seedling cultivation and transplanting techniques and to push with the development of special crops in Indigenous communities...


The Harvest Day (Umuganura)

The Harvest Day (



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