Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Fishery livelihoods

This is a curated collection of technical documents that are relevant tolivelihoods in fisheries and aquaculture in the Asia-Pacific region, with particulalr emphaisis on small-scale fisheries.

A visual version of  the Executive summary of the Bay of  Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem Trans-boundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA), containg  some  key   facts and  points. This supports the comprehensive   Executive Summary  document and the  two  volumes of the Bay of  Bengal Large Marine Ecosystem project  TDA.   


  Beverly, S., Griffiths D. & Lee, R. (2012). Anchored fish aggregating devices for artisanal fisheries in South and Southeast Asia: benefits and risks. FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand, RAP Publication 2012/20,65p.   Fish Aggregating Devices, also known as FADs, have been used to attract fish, making them easier to catch and reducing fuel costs when searching for schools of pelagic fish. FADs are used by both industrial fishing fleets...


Management advisory for the Bay of Bengal hilsa fishery (June 2012) The BOBLME Project is supporting countries to implement an ecosystem approach to fisheries management of shared fishstocks in the Bay of Bengal. The EAFM framework has three tiers: working groups (including a Hilsa Fisheries Assessment Working Group) to provide technical information; a Regional Fisheries Management Advisory Committee (RFMAC) - to interpret the information and deliver ecosystem based fisheries management advice; and a Regional...