FAO Governing Bodies

158th Session of the FAO Council

4–8 December 2017 - Rome, Italy

List of Documents (CL 158)

Main Documents
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 158/1 Rev.1 Provisional Agenda MU394
CL 158/2 Report of the 105th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 23-25 October 2017) MV043
CL 158/3 Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2018-19 MU558
CL 158/3 WA1 Web Annex 1: Results Framework 2018-19- Strategic and functional Objectives MU963
CL 158/3 WA2 Web Annex 2: Output indicators and targets 2018-19 MU967
CL 158/3 WA3 Web Annex 3: Organigramme headquarters and decentralized offices MU990
CL 158/3 WA4 Web Annex 4: Post count by grade group and organizational Unit MU991
CL 158/3 WA5 Web Annex 5: Adjustments to 2018-19 Net Appropriation by department and office MU992
CL 158/3 WA6 Web Annex 6: 2018-19 Net Appropriation and extrabudgetary resources by chapter and region MU993
CL 158/4 Report of the 167th Session of the Finance Committee (29-31 May 2017) MT516
CL 158/5 Report of the 122nd Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 6-10 November 2017) MV157
CL 158/6 Report of the 168th Session of the Finance Committee (2-3 November 2017) MV158
CL 158/7 Report of the 169th Session of the Finance Committee (6-10 November 2017) MV159
CL 158/8 Report of the Joint Meeting of the 122nd Session of the Programme Committee and the 169th Session of the Finance Committee (November 2017) MV224
CL 158/9 Progress Report on Rome-based Agencies collaboration MU930
CL 158/10 Rev.1 Membership of the WFP Executive Board MU417
CL 158/11 2016 Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board to ECOSOC and the FAO Council MU371
CL 158/12 Report of the 123rd (Special) Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 21 November 2017) MV356
C 2019 - Series
CL 158/INF - Series
CL 158/LIM - Series