FAO Governing Bodies

159th Session of the FAO Council

4–8 June 2018 - Rome, Italy

List of Documents (CL 159)

Main Documents
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 159/1 Rev.1 Provisional Agenda MV861
CL 159/2 Report of the 106th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 12-14 March 2018) MV890
Cl 159/3 Report of the 124th Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 21–25 May 2018) MV891
CL 159/4 Report of the 170th Session of the Finance Committee (21-25 May 2018) MV892
CL 159/5 Report of the Joint Meeting of the 124 th Session of the Programme Committee and 170th Session of the Finance Committee (21 May 2018) MV893
CL 159/6 Dates for Submission of Nominations for the Office of Director-General MV894
CL 159/7 Report of the 171st Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 29-31 May 2018) MW834
CL 159/8 Corporate Policy, Processes and Measures on the Prevention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Authority Abuse MW833
CL 159/8 Information Note FAO Action Plan for the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment MW996
JM 2018.1/2 Inf. Note 1 Information Note - Date of Implementation of the United Nations Resolution on the Mandatory Age of Separation MW828
JM 2018.1/2 Inf. Note 2 Information Note - Date of Implementation of the United Nations Resolution on the Mandatory Age of Separation MW881
JM 2018.1/2 Inf. Note 3 Information Note - Date of Implementation of the United Nations Resolution on the Mandatory Age of Separation MW907
JM 2018.1/2 Inf. Note 4 Information Note 4 - Date of Implementation of the United Nations Resolution on the Mandatory Age of Separation MW989
C 2019 - Series
CL 159/INF - Series
CL 159/LIM - Series