FAO Governing Bodies

160th Session of the FAO Council

3–7 December 2018 - Rome, Italy

List of Documents (CL 160)

Main Documents
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 160/1 Rev.2 Provisional Agenda MX861
CL 160/2 Rev.1 Report of the 107th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 22-24 October 2018) MY380
CL 160/3 Report of the 125th Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 12–16 November 2018) MY401
CL 160/4 Report of the 173rd Session of the Finance Committee (12-16 November 2018) MY402
CL 160/4 Add.1 Updated Action Plan for the Achievement of Equitable Geographic Distribution and Gender Parity of FAO Staff MY634
CL 160/4 Information Note 1 Rev.1 Legal opinion on the use of equity from the liquidation of the FAO Commissary for financing the Organization's 2019 share of the United Nations Resident Coordinator network MY626
CL 160/5 Rev.1 Report of the Joint Meeting of the 125th Session of the Programme Committee and 173rd Session of the Finance Committee (12 and 15 November 2018) MY403
CL 160/6 Arrangements for the 161st Session of the Council (8-12 April 2019) and the 41st Session of the Conference (22-29 June 2019) MY391
CL 160/7 Rev.1 Membership of the WFP Executive Board MY278
CL 160/8 2017 Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board to ECOSOC and the FAO Council MX731
CL 160/9 Corporate Policy, Processes and Measures on the Prevention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Authority Abuse MY079
CL 160/9 Add.1 Updated Action Plan for Implementation of the Corporate Policy, Processes and Measures on the Prevention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Authority Abuse MY628
CL 160/10 Proposal for an International Year of Fruits and Vegetables MY357
CL 160/11 Rev.2 Proposal for an International Year of Rye MY363
CL 160/12 Report of the 172nd Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 5-6 November 2018) MY404
CL 160/13 Rev.1 Proposal for an International Year of Millets MY336
CL 160/14 Proposal for an International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste MY358
CL 160/15 International Tea Day MY305
CL 160/16 Adjustments in the structure under the Deputy Director-General (Programmes) MY245
CL 160/16 Add.1 Adjustments in the structure under the Deputy Director-General (Programmes) - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION MY464
C 2019 - Series
CL 160/INF - Series
CL 160/LIM - Series