FAO Governing Bodies

165th Session of the FAO Council

30 November – 4 December 2020 - Rome, Italy

List of Documents (CL 165)

Main Documents
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 165/1 Provisional Agenda ND588
CL 165/3 Outline of the Strategic Framework 2022-31 and outline of Medium Term Plan 2022-25 ND976
CL 165/4 Inf. Note 1 Information Note 1 - November 2020 - FAO’s Strategy for Private Sector Engagement 2021-2025 - List of Active Engagements with the Private Sector NE465
CL 165/4 Inf. Note 2 Information Note 2 - November 2020 - FAO’s Strategy for Private Sector Engagement 2021-2025 - Proposed roadmap to address Members’ comments received after issuance of CL165/4 Rev.1 (November 2020) NE466
CL 165/4 Rev.1 FAO’s Strategy for Private Sector Engagement 2021-2025 ND961
CL 165/5 FAO’s response to COVID-19: Building to Transform NE124
CL 165/6 The Hand-in-Hand Initiative NE125
CL 165/9 Report of the Joint Meeting of the 129th Session of the Programme Committee and 183rd Session of the Finance Committee (9 and 13 November 2020) NE221
CL 165/10 Report of the 129th Session of the Programme Committee (9-13 November 2020) NE222
CL 165/11 Report of the 183rd Session of the Finance Committee (9-13 November 2020) NE219
CL 165/12 Report of the 111th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (26-28 October 2020) NE220
CL 165/12 Inf. Note 1 Information Note 1 - November 2020 - Report of the 111th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (26-28 October 2020) NE554
CL 165/13 Rev.1 Progress Report on Rome-based Agencies collaboration NE051
CL 165/14 Arrangements for the 42nd Session of the Conference (12-16 July 2021) NE245
CL 165/15 Council Multi-year Programme of Work 2021-2024 NE246
CL 165/17.1 Membership of the WFP Executive Board NE248
CL 165/17.2 2019 Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board to ECOSOC and the FAO Council ND586
CL 165/18 Working Methods of the Conference NE126
CL 165/19 Report of the 182nd Session of the Finance Committee (29-30 October 2020) NE218
C 2021 - Series
CL 165/INF - Series
CL 165/LIM - Series