FAO Governing Bodies

174th Session of the FAO Council

4–8 December 2023 - Rome, Italy

List of Documents (CL 174)

Main Documents
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 174/1 Rev. 1 Provisional Agenda NN471
CL 174/3 Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2024-25 NN539
CL 174/3 - Annexes List of Annexes to CL 174/3:  Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2024-25
CL 174/3 Corr.1 CORRIGENDUM - Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2024-25 NN883
CL 174/3 Information Note Information Note - November 2023 Office of Youth and Women (OYW) NO022
CL 174/4 Global food security challenges and its drivers NN735
CL 174/7 Report of the Joint Meeting of the 137th Session of the Programme Committee and 198th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 6, 8 and 10 November 2023) NN736
CL 174/8 Report of the 137th Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 6-10 November 2023) NN737
CL 174/9 Report of the 198th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 6-10 November 2023) NN738
CL 174/10 Report of the 119th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 9-11 October 2023) NN657
CL 174/12 Update on FAO’s collaboration with other UN system entities NN739
CL 174/13 Report of the 19th Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Rome, 17-21 July 2023) NN409
CL 174/15.1 Membership of the WFP Executive Board NN413
CL 174/15.2 2022 Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board to ECOSOC and the FAO Council NN437
CL 174/16 Report of the 196th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 5-7 June 2023) NM608
CL 174/17 Report of the 197th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 30-31 October 2023) NN696
C 2025 - Series
CL 174/INF - Series
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 174/INF/1 Provisional Timetable NN741
CL 174/INF/3 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights submitted by the European Union and its Member States NN742
CL 174/INF/4 Developments in fora of importance for the mandate of FAO NN711
CL 174/INF/4 WA1 Web Annex 1: Outcomes of the Tenth Session of the Plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services and Diplomatic Conference on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources NN712
CL 174/INF/4 WA2 Web Annex 2: The Seventh Meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture of Central Asia and International Conference on Food Security in Samarkand NN713
CL 174/INF/4 WA3 Web Annex 3: Processes related to Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs) NN714
CL 174/INF/4 WA4 Web Annex 4: The 2023 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Summit and Artificial intelligence and digital solutions for the transformation of agrifood systems NN715
CL 174/INF/5 Methods of Work for the 174th Session of the Council NN653
CL 174/INF/5 Corr.1 Methods of Work for the 174th Session of the Council - Corrigendum NN988
CL 174/INF/6 Update on the Hand-in-Hand Initiative NN678
CL 174/INF/7 Annual Report on Corporate Policy, Processes and Measures on the Prevention of Harassment, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse NN679
CL 174/INF/8 Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions NO058
CL 174/INF/9 Participation of private sector observers in sessions of the FAO Governing Bodies NO059
CL 174/INF/10 Review of the Decentralized Offices Network of FAO NO088
CL 174/INF/11 Letter and proposal from nine Council Members and 16 Observers dated 28 November 2023 NO137
CL 174/INF/12 Updated list of signatories to the letter of 28 November 2023 NO146
CL 174/INF/13 Letter and proposal from 13 Council Members and 28 Observers dated 4 December 2023 NO154
CL 174/INF/14 Letter and proposal from the Republic of Belarus on Item 6 NO180
CL 174/INF/15 Letter and proposal from the United States of America under Agenda Item 5 NO181
CL 174/LIM - Series