FAO Governing Bodies

174th Session of the FAO Council - 4–8 December 2023

Introduction to Agenda Items

Agenda Item
Item 3
Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2024-25
Item 4
Global food security challenges and drivers
Item 5
The situation in Gaza related to food security and related matters under the mandate of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Item 6
The impact of the war in Ukraine on global food security and related matters under the mandate of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Item 7
Update on the Hand-in-Hand Initiative
Item 8
Report of the Joint Meeting of the 137th Session of the Programme Committee and 198th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, November 2023)
Item 9
Report of the 137th Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 6-10 November 2023)
Item 10
Reports of the 196th (Rome, 5-7 June 2023), 197th (Rome, 30-31 October 2023) and 198th (Rome, 6-10 November 2023) Sessions of the Finance Committee
Item 11
Report of the 119th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (Rome, 9-11 October 2023)
Item 12
Report of the 51st Session of the Committee on World Food Security (Rome, 23-27 October 2023)
Item 13
Update on FAO’s collaboration with other UN system entities
Item 14
Report of the 19th Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Rome, 17-21 July 2023)
Item 15Participation of private sector observers in sessions of the FAO Governing Bodies
Item 17: World Food Programme
                 Item 17.2
Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board on its activities in 2022
Item 19
Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions