FAO Governing Bodies

174th Session of the FAO Council - 4–8 December 2023

Written Correspondence Procedure

The following items are handled through the established Written Correspondence Procedure, whereby Members may submit written comments and questions on the related agenda items, based on the relevant documentation and Secretariat introductions. The Secretariat will then provide written responses. Both the Members’ submissions and the responses from the Secretariat can be found in the following pages.

Item 7 - Update on the Hand-in-Hand Initiative
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response

Item 13 - Update on FAO’s collaboration with other UN system entities
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response

Item 16 - Status of implementation of decisions taken at the 172nd Session of the Council (Rome, 24‑28 April 2023)
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response

Item 17.2 - Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board on its activities in 2022
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response

Item 20 - Developments in fora of importance for the mandate of FAO
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response

Item 21 - Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and other main sessions 2023-2025
Members inputs - original languageMembers inputs - English translation

Secretariat response