FAO Governing Bodies

164th Session of the FAO Council

6–10 July 2020 - Rome, Italy

List of Documents (CL 164)

Main Documents
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 164/1 Provisional Agenda NC434
CL 164/2 Report of the 110th Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (28-29 May 2020) NC435
CL 164/3 Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21 NC436
CL 164/3 Inf. Note 1 Information Note 1 – June 2020 - Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21 ND129
CL 164/3 Inf. Note 2 Information Note 2 - June 2020 - Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21 Evolution of budgeted posts by location and category (Table 2) and Revised budgeted post establishment (Web Annex 3) ND199
CL 164/3 Inf. Note 3 Information Note 3 – June 2020 - Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21 Hand in Hand Initiative - Key activities and resources ND203
CL 164/3 Inf. Note 4 Information Note 4 – June 2020 - Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21 Further Information on budgetary shifts and revised budgeted post establishment ND206
CL 164/3 Inf. Note 5 Information Note 5 – June 2020 - Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21 Additional information on the proposed organizational structure (CL 164/3 Annex 1) and information on reporting lines ND207
CL 164/3 Inf. Note 6 Information Note 6 – June 2020 - Further Adjustments to the Programme of Work and Budget 2020-21 - Additional information on the Joint FAO/WHO Centre (CODEX Food Standards and Zoonotic Diseases) and the Joint FAO/IAEA Centre (Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture) ND208
CL 164/3 WA2 Rev.1 Web Annex 2: Updated Results Framework 2020-21 – Strategic and Functional Objectives (Revised) ND023
CL 164/3 WA3 Web Annex 3: Post count by grade group and organizational unit ND028
CL 164/3 WA4 Web Annex 4: Further Adjustments to 2020-21 net appropriation by organizational unit ND029
CL 164/4 Report of the 181st Session of the Finance Committee (3-5 June 2020) NC437
CL 164/5 Report of the Joint Meeting of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee and the 180th Session of the Finance Committee (8, 12, 16 and 17 June 2020) NC438
CL 164/5 Sup.1 Use of the Unspent Balance of the 2018-19 Biennial Appropriation ND248
CL 164/6 Rev.1 Report of the 128th Session of the Programme Committee (8-18 June 2020) NC439
CL 164/7 Report of the 180th Session of the Finance Committee (8-17 June 2020) NC440
CL 164/8 Report of the 179th Session of the Finance Committee (6-7 February 2020) NC398
CL 164/9 International Platform for Digital Food and Agriculture ND058
CL 164/10 Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on food security and food systems ND059
C 2021 - Series
CL 164/INF - Series
CL 164/LIM - Series