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Restez au courant des dernières actualités et perspectives sur les tendances émergentes ainsi que des initiatives menées par la FAO pour appuyer la mise en œuvre des ODD aux niveaux local, national, régional et mondial.

Newly Revised Guidance Note Available Now on FAO and the 2030 Agenda Follow-Up and Review

FAO at COP28: Agrifood systems solutions to shape climate agenda

SDG Agrifood Accelerator Programme - Innovators Spotlight Agrifood SMEs' Role in Food Systems Transformation at the UNFSS+2 and 2023 World Food Forum
Innovators from the FAO SDG Agrifood Accelerator Programme have been shining a spotlight on their pioneering enterprises at numerous high-level events over the last number of months, including at the UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment (UNFSS+2) and the 2023 World Food Forum, highlighting the vital role SMEs play in catalyzing effective food system transformation while simultaneously accelerating SDG implementation at local levels.

Une action immédiate est nécessaire pour amener l’Afrique sur la voie des objectifs mondiaux

Journée mondiale de l’alimentation et Forum mondial de l’alimentation 2023: le démarrage d’une action mondiale pour l’eau, l’action climatique et les systèmes agroalimentaires durables

Reflecting on the Outcomes of the SDG Summit: A Reconfirmation of the Global Commitment for Sustainable Development
The recent SDG Summit held in New York on September 18-19, 2023, has once again demonstrated the world's commitment to the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Despite the challenges and setbacks over the last number of years, the adoption by consensus of the negotiated Political Declaration, which was subsequently endorsed by the UN General Assembly, reaffirms the SDGs as our primary roadmap for achieving sustainable development and addressing the multifaceted crises of our time.
Opinion article by Stefanos Fotiou, Director of the Office of Sustainable Development Goals in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

AG des Nations Unies: les présidences de la FAO, du G7, du Sommet des Nations Unies sur les systèmes alimentaires+2 et de la COP28 s’associent pour porter la transformation des systèmes agroalimentaires au rang de priorité internationale

Week-end d’action pour les ODD: la FAO met en avant des initiatives à fort impact visant à transformer les systèmes agroalimentaires et à donner un coup d’accélérateur au Programme 2030

The SDG Summit must be our turning point
Let us seize this opportunity of the 2023 SDG Summit to safeguard the 2030 Agenda and build a sustainable future that leaves no one behind.
Opinion article by Stefanos Fotiou, Director of the Office of Sustainable Development Goals in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

De multiples crises continuent de nous éloigner des cibles de développement

UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment
Revisit the key inputs, discussions and outcomes of UN Food Systems Summit +2 Stocktaking Moment, which took place at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, from 24 - 26 July 2023. This global event served as a worldwide stocktaking meeting to review progress in implementing food systems transformations and its contributions to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.

Selon un rapport des Nations Unies, 122 millions de personnes supplémentaires sont touchées par la faim depuis 2019, en raison de crises multiples.

Forum politique de haut niveau pour le développement durable à New York: le Directeur général présente six axes de travail pour transformer les systèmes agroalimentaires

Next generation Earth Observation tools help monitor land cover change in Lesotho