Forestry Occasional Paper 1975/1

information - No. 4


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Proposals for a Global Programme for Improved Use of Forest Genetic Resources

  I - Introduction

 II - Background Information

III - Past Progress

A. International Coordination

B. Recent Progress in Field Operations

C. Progress in Ancillary Activities

IV - A Global Programme for Forest Genetic Resources

A. Notes on Programme

B. Proposed Programme 1975–79

Table 1a - Summary of Global Programme by Operations

Table 1b - Estimated Cost of Global Programme for Improved Use of Forest Genetic Resources and Proposed Sources of Funds

Table 2   - Exploration and Collection for the Purpose of Evaluation

Table 3   - Collection for the Purpose of Conservation/Selection Ex Situ

Table 4   - Establishment of Provenance Conservation/Selection Stands Ex Situ

Table 5   - Establishment and Management of Strict Natural Reserves for Conservation in Situ

Table 6   - Forest Genetic Resources Priorities
(by Region, Species and Operation)

Appendix 1 - Recent or Current Provenance Seed Collections of Wide Interest

Appendix 2 - FAO Financial Contributions (Regular Programme)
for Forest Genetic Resources

Appendix 3 - Possible Time Scale for a Tropical Pine


Activities of the Tree Improvement Section, Forest Research Institute, Rabat, Morocco - D.X. Destremau and R. Bellefontaine

Populus - Dr. R. Koster

Report on an FAO Project to Establish International Provenance Trials of Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Ktze. - John Pitcher

FAO Postal Address

Cone Collection from Standing Trees - H. Barner

Corrections F.G.R.I. No. 3

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