FAO Governing Bodies

119th Session of the FAO Council

20–25 November 2000 | Rome, Italy

List of Documents (CL 119)

Main Documents
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 119/1 Provisional Annotated Agenda X8152
CL 119/2 The State of Food and Agriculture 2000 X8338
CL 119/3 Annual Report of the WFP Executive Board to ECOSOC and the FAO Council on its Activities in 1999 X7692
CL 119/4 Membership of the WFP Executive Board X7905
CL 119/4-Corr.1 Corrigendum to CL 119/4 X8683
CL 119/4-Sup.1 Supplement to CL 119/4 X8829
CL 119/5 Report of the 71st Session of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Matters (CCLM) (Rome, 10-11 October 2000) X8568
CL 119/6 Provisional Calendar of FAO Governing Bodies and other Main Sessions 2001/2002 X8500
CL 119/7 Negotiations on the Revised International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources, in Harmony with the Convention of Biological Diversity - Report by the Chairman of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture X8566
CL 119/7-Sup.1 Supplement to CL 119/7 X8716
CL 119/8 Report of the Joint Meeting of the 83rd Session of the Programme Committee and the 94th Session of the Finance Committee (10 May 2000) X7314
CL 119/9 Report of the Joint Meeting of the 84th Session of the Programme Committee and the 95th Session of the Finance Committee (27-28 September 2000) X8431
CL 119/10 Report of the 83rd Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 8 - 12 May 2000) X7315
CL 119/11 Report of the 84th Session of the Programme Committee (Rome, 25 - 29 September 2000) X8434
CL 119/12 Report of the 94th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 8 - 12 May 2000)c X7401
CL 119/13 Report of the 95th Session of the Finance Committee (Rome, 25 - 29 September 2000) X8525
CL 119/14 Report of the 26th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (Rome, 18 - 22 September 2000)c X8458
CL 119/15 Proposed Reform of the General Debate at Conference X8667
CL 119/16 Application for Membership in the Organization X8855
CL 119/17 Medium-Term Plan 2002-2007 X7572
CL 119/17-Corr.1 Corrigendum to CL 119/17 X8392
CL 119/19 Use of Arrears X7938
C 2001 - Series
Document Symbol Title Job Number
C 2001/8 Programme Implementation Report (1998-1999) X7374
C 2001/8-Corr.1-Rev.1 Corrigendum to Programme Implementation Report 1998-99 X8375
CL 119/INF - Series
Document Symbol Title Job Number
CL 119/INF/1-Rev.1 Provisional Timetable X8721
CL 119/INF/2 Provisional List of Delegates and Observers
CL 119/INF/3 Provisional List of Documents X8775
CL 119/INF/4 Note on the Methods of Work of the Council X7412
CL 119/INF/5 Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Programme and Finance Committees X8515
CL 119/INF/6 Statement of Competence and Voting Rights Submitted by the European Community (EC) and its Member States X8636
CL 119/INF/7 Implementation of the Decisions taken at the 117th and 118th Sessions of the Council X8139
CL 119/INF/8 Update in the Preparation of the International Year of the Mountains X8764
CL 119/INF/9 Officers of the Conference and Council X7481
CL 119/INF/10 Summaries of the Main Recommendations of the 2000 Regional Conferences X8402
CL 119/INF/11 JIU Report on the Review of the Administrative Committee on Coordination and its Machinery (JIU/REP/99/1) X4559
CL 119/INF/12 Report on Efficiency Savings 1994-2000 X8682
CL 119/INF/13 JIU Report on the Review of the Private Sector Involvement and Cooperation with the UN System (JIU/REP/99/6) X8015
CL 119/INF/14 JIU Report on the Policies and Practices in the use of Services of Private Management Consulting Firms in the Organizations of the United Nations System (JIU/REP/99/7) X8066
CL 119/INF/15 Secretary-General's Report on the UN Millennium Assembly Entitled: "We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the Twenty-First Century" X7707