Global Bioenergy Partnership

Task Force on Sustainability

Panel at Steering Committee 2023 held at FAO headquarters.

GBEP established the Task Force on Sustainability in 2008, under the leadership of the United Kingdom. Now under the co-leadership of Egypt, Italy and Japan, the main aim of the Task Force is to facilitate a coherent international discussion on bioenergy, with a view to broadening understanding of sustainable bioenergy and effective ways of achieving it.

Since 2008, the Task Force has worked to develop the GBEP Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy, and related supporting materials, such as the Implementation Guide and the Rapid Implementation Framework.

Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy

In 2011, the Task Force developed a set of twenty-four voluntary sustainability indicators for bioenergy, published in the report The Global Bioenergy Partnership Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy.

The indicators intend to guide any analysis undertaken of bioenergy at the domestic level with a view to informing decision making and facilitating the sustainable development of bioenergy in a manner consistent with multilateral trade obligations. The indicators have been tested in a number of countries at both regional and national level, to evaluate their feasibility and enhance their practicality as a tool for policymaking.

Supporting guidance for the assessment of the indicators is available in the Implementation Guide.

Learn more about GBEP Sustainability Indicators

Facilitating the Implementation of the GBEP Sustainability Indicators

The Task Force is currently working on further facilitating the implementation of the GBEP Sustainbility Indicators. As part of this work, a rapid implementation framework and data entry sheets have been developed.

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Rapid Implementation Framework

The Rapid Implementation Framework (RIF) aims to guide users through a rapid measurement of critical GBEP indicators and obtain a preliminary indication of likely impacts on sustainability from the most relevant bioenergy pathways in the country/region considered.

Data entry sheets

Data entry sheets for the measurement of the GBEP Sustainability Indicators for bioenergy from agricultural crops are available to download for MS Excel here (first draft).

Bioenergy within the context of the broader bioeconomy

The Task Force on Sustainability works on the topic of sustainability governance of bioenergy within the bioeconomy.

Learn more about our work on bioenergy within bioeconomy

Linkages between the SDGs and the GBEP Sustainability Indicators

As a contribution to the Task Force, research has been undertaken on the linkages between the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the GBEP Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy,