Global Bioenergy Partnership

Advanced Liquid Biofuels

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Compared to traditional biofuels, advanced liquid biofuels refer to a cluster of new approaches, technologies or other enhanced properties of partly improved or entirely new biofuel pathways. They may have a number of benefits, such as lower environmental impacts or greater compatibility with current fuel infrastructure (e.g. 'drop in' fuels). 

Liquid and advanced liquid biofuels can replace traditional fossil fuels and play a key role in decarbonizing the energy sector, and especially the transport sectors, such as shipping and aviation.  
GBEP Working group on advanced liquid biofuel, led by the USA, facilitates the exchange of knowledge, experiences and technologies related to the development of advanced biofuels and their applications, including their evaluation according to the GBEP Sustainability Indicators

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Cover page of the Viet Nam report on cassava ethanol and biogas

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cover image

This report presents 24 indicators of sustainability regarding the production and use of modern bioenergy, to monitor and report on the environmental, social and economic aspects of sustainable development. The GBEP Sustainability Indicators (GSIs) are a relevant, practical, science-based tool that can inform policy-makers and other stakeholders in countries seeking to develop their bioenergy sector to help meet national goals of sustainable development.

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